Batter Chatter: Interview with Sweet Artist Phuong Diep

So, you already know Cake Gumshoe Phuong as an ace reporter on the ways of sweet things to eat in Boston--she's reported on several Beantown bakeries in the past.
But what you might not know is that she's an artist too--a photographer specializing in photos that reflect her love of dessert, travel, and all things sweet and cute, under the name Little Random Happiness (there's a blog, btw). Want to hear more? Thought so. Interview time:
So, Little Random Happiness. Tell me baby, what's your story? I’ve always wanted to start my own business but can never pinpoint on what it should be. I love too many things…photography, baking, making jewelry, and anything else that might be striking my fancy. After working as a Marketing Project Manager for a few years, I decided to save up, quit my job, and travel before taking the plunge at starting a business. I really wanted to open a small bakery but had no experience in that field so I decided to work for one. I was fortunate enough to work for Joanne Chang at Flour Bakery. (Btw, if you haven’t bought her book yet, please do! It’s awesome!) I learned so much by working there. It really helped me understand the business. Unfortunately the right location hasn’t showed up yet so my bakery plan is on hold.
In the meantime, I finally started a blog this year and really love being able to share all the photos I’ve taken over the years. My photos really reflect my love for traveling, desserts, and cute things. They always make me smile. On a whim, I decided to apply to sell my photos at Boston’s SoWa open market this year and was accepted! I’m so thrilled! I used to go there and thought how wonderful it is to be able to do what you love and at the same time make a little bit of income. This will keep me busy for now :)
Cake or pie? Definitely cake! I can never resist a slice of cake. Plus, they get to dress up in pretty frosting.
Pants or skirts? Pants are so much more versatile.
Yes or no? Maybe? It’s nice to have a little bit of time to think before giving a definite answer!
Vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry? Vanilla…sometimes the simplest flavor is the hardest to execute and get right because it’s so subtle. That or I’m just trying to cover up how boring I am...
What product in your store are you most excited about right now? I love all of my photos but my absolute favorite right now has to be Mr. Mustachio and his tourist friend. I took it when I was in Paris last year and love how it came out. It’s almost too cute to look at.
What is the last delicious thing you ate? I’ve been obsessed with macarons every since my first trip to Paris. I seek them out everywhere. Recently I decided to try and make them myself. After a few batches, I’m proud to say that I no longer need to buy macarons until I go to Paris again :)
Any plans to start selling in stores? Not yet but I would love to if the right opportunity arises.
Please, tell us something I might not know about or expect of you. Surprise us. I am known for my sweet tooth but sometimes I do lose it. It doesn’t happen a lot but I could go for months without having a sweet treat (gasp!). When it comes back though, it comes back with a vengeance.
What is next for you and your business? I will be at SoWa open market throughout the summer. Please stop by if you are in Boston. It’s such a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon; browsing and looking at all the wonderful things being sold by different talented vendors. My photos are also on sale at etsy. I will continue to search for a bakery location and promise to let you know if there is any good news!
In the meantime, I finally started a blog this year and really love being able to share all the photos I’ve taken over the years. My photos really reflect my love for traveling, desserts, and cute things. They always make me smile. On a whim, I decided to apply to sell my photos at Boston’s SoWa open market this year and was accepted! I’m so thrilled! I used to go there and thought how wonderful it is to be able to do what you love and at the same time make a little bit of income. This will keep me busy for now :)

Yes or no? Maybe? It’s nice to have a little bit of time to think before giving a definite answer!
Vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry? Vanilla…sometimes the simplest flavor is the hardest to execute and get right because it’s so subtle. That or I’m just trying to cover up how boring I am...

What is the last delicious thing you ate? I’ve been obsessed with macarons every since my first trip to Paris. I seek them out everywhere. Recently I decided to try and make them myself. After a few batches, I’m proud to say that I no longer need to buy macarons until I go to Paris again :)

Please, tell us something I might not know about or expect of you. Surprise us. I am known for my sweet tooth but sometimes I do lose it. It doesn’t happen a lot but I could go for months without having a sweet treat (gasp!). When it comes back though, it comes back with a vengeance.
What is next for you and your business? I will be at SoWa open market throughout the summer. Please stop by if you are in Boston. It’s such a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon; browsing and looking at all the wonderful things being sold by different talented vendors. My photos are also on sale at etsy. I will continue to search for a bakery location and promise to let you know if there is any good news!
Find Phuong's blog here.
batter chatter,

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