Cake Byte: CakeSpy To Teach a Class at Cornish College of the Arts

So, officially I attended a magical sort of college known as Art School. And if you've seen Art School Confidential, you have a pretty good idea of what it was like. Without the murder and stuff.
But unofficially, my college years at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn were spent as a part time bakery stalker--when I moved to NYC, I came toting a list of every bakery in the city and Brooklyn, and during my NYC years I made a pretty considerable dent in that list.
So it brings me extreme pleasure to announce that now, things are coming full circle, and I am teaching a one-day class at Seattle's Cornish College of the Arts, which is designed to mimic my art school foundation year--but with a foodie twist.
Here's the course description:
Revisit the foundations of visual communication, trading in your pencils, brushes, and clay for the sweet stuff! In this afternoon intensive, you’ll return to figure drawing and still lives, but this time with cakes. Explore the principles of light and color theory by mixing primary, secondary, and tertiary food coloring and frostings. Have you always wondered the difference between aserif and a san serif? Exercise design strategies by creating typography with cakes. And no foundations course is worth its salt, or sugar, without some nod to art history. We’ll also look at how the masters (Wayne Thiebaud, Andy Warhol, Frida Kahlo) have used sweet foods in their art.
Yeah, the course is $100, but you know, I need to buy supplies and stuff, and it's very true that the memories will last forever. I totally promise. Sign up here!

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