Cake Byte: Total CakeSpy Awesomeness

Fact: earlier this week I called SpyMom and said "So much good stuff is happening right now, I'm scared that it means something bad is going to happen". SpyMom (in that no-nonsense New Jersey-for-life way she has) said "Quit being so Italian about it. Just enjoy it." Well, we are not Italian, but my grandma grew up in an Italian section of the Bronx, so I guess that counts.
Basically, that was the long way of telling you about all of this awesome stuff which has been going on:
The Bakesale with Megan Seling of Bake It In a Cake was a huge hit! We ran out of cupcakes, but, you know, that gave us both some serious street cred.
The sale was featured prominently on:
Photo: Not MarthaNot Martha
...and more. And the cast of attendees was equally star-studded, with guest appearances from Seattle royalty including This Charming Candy, members of Three Imaginary Girls, and Another Rainy Saturday.
But wait, there's more. A mere two days later, on the same day that my delicious maple cookie recipe aired on Serious Eats, I was alerted by a reader that yours truly was featured on the cover of Seattle Woman Magazine.
And upon a walk to my closest newsstand, I found this to be fact. And picked up a stack. OK, so I knew it was going to happen. I just thought it was a few more days til it would appear on the street.
This was a very fun photo shoot, thanks to photographer Ingrid Pape-Sheldon, who is German, and while she speaks fluent English, there was just enough of a communication gap to make it very funny when she arrived to my store and said "I have seen many pictures of you on the internet". She then proceeded to tirelessly tease the best possible photo out of me, urging me to channel my "inner cupcake ninja" and telling me to "be fierce". No, really.
The article features a plethora of talented Seattle ladybloggers (yes, really just said that), including a few names you may recognize from bestseller lists and Martha Stewart and stuff, including (alphabetically) Shauna Ahern, Keren Brown, Alice Currah, and Molly Wizenberg. And you know, all of them look totally hot in the photos (perhaps they were all urged to "be fierce" as well).
...oh, and finally, not to sound bossy or anything, but my awesome book
is now available for pre-order on Amazon. Just do it. You know you want to. Buy one now, forget about it, and buy another in October, when I come to your town on my (to be announced) book tour. It has, by the way, been deemed "the cutest book cover ever" by the esteemed Amster-Burton family. And this family is made of cute, so listen to them.

Reader Comments (10)
So lovely to see great things happening to great people! Much more continued success! MWAH! :)