Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links

Hey...remember how my book was on the TODAY show? Yeah, that kind of ruled.
Interesting: A Q+A on regional baked goods.
Up, up, and away! A flying gingerbread house in Arizona.
Sweet: Paleo Fruitcake recipe!
Season's Eatings: The Twelve Cakes of Christmas!
Chocolate candy cane snowflakes. OMG!
Buffalo. Chicken. Milkshake. Whaaa? (thanks, Monica!)
Sweet and tart: cranberries for baking make for sweet treats!
Candy Cane Cocoa Truffles: le nom!
Pannetone al Cioccolato! Sweet!
Sweets I want to eat: from ShortCake in LA!
Per LA Weekly: Cupcakes, we just can't quit you.
Neapolitan Blondie bars: le nom!
Mac attack! Macarons take Miami by storm!
Sweet! My clever talkin' made the "Best Quotes of 2011" list for Seattle Weekly...

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