Sweet Times: CakeSpy Book Signing at Teacake Bake Shop

All photos: Pink Buttercream PhotographyI could simply tell you that the CakeSpy Tour de Sweet stop at Teacake Bake Shop in Burlingame totally ruled, but really, it's far more effective to show you photo proof, so here goes. All of these gorgeous photos were taken by Agnes Hsu, owner of Teacake Bake Shop!
Click here for all my tour dates.
So, first, I arrived, and was greeted by this amazing sight: pink cupcakes with pretty sprinkles...and toppers featuring MY artwork!
You'd better believe I ate one of those cupcakes.
...but I paused to draw a unicorn or two in people's books.
oh, did I mention I have a book out? It's called CakeSpy Presents Sweet Treats for a Sugar-Filled Life. It looks great with flowers.
...but it also looks good with wrappers.
...oh, let me pause to sign another book here.
I'll also do this bloggy photo-taking of food thing.
and talk to some people. "Oh, you like cupcakes, too?"
...oh, I know! I'm so funny.
...but wait, who's this? A dessert celebrity! Me and Anita Chu!
..."you know, cupcakes taste better when you buy the book."
oh, and here's a cute one with me and my sister Bridget. We can't not wear showpiece glasses, apparently.
and here's me with Agnes Hsu, the owner of Teacake Bake Shop! Go see her shop and eat her cupcakes, and soon!
For more about Teacake Bake Shop, visit their site. To buy my book, click here. Click here for all my tour dates.

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