CakeSpy's Book is Going To Be on the Today Show!

Because I kind of feel like showing off at this moment, I'd like to tell you the following:
My book is totally going to be on the TODAY Show.
While I myself will not be eating deep-fried cupcakes on a stick with Matt, Ann, Al, and Natalie, my book, CakeSpy Presents Sweet Treats for a Sugar-Filled Life, WILL be appearing as part of a holiday book round-up in a segment by John Searles. The segment has already taped and is scheduled to air on 12/3/11.
As my bloggy BFF Jennifer Pooley (who is also the one who suggested my book to Mr. Searles! I love this girl.) says:
Thrilled that John Searles fell in love with my favorite spy & her book! The Today Show holiday gift round up for books taped today and will air on December 3rd. Meanwhile check out this flashback post from November 24, 2010 on “the book I want to give as holiday gifts.” Wishes keep coming true every. single. day.
Thanks to everyone who has supported my book already, and here's to sweet holiday tidings for all! This is truly like Christmas coming early for me.

Reader Comments (8)
P.S. I am crazy addicted to s'moreos. You are an evil genius.