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Sweet Giveaway: Valentine Cupcake Wrappers from Bella Cupcake Couture

Want to bake some sweets for your sweet?

Well, put 'em in a pretty package with these delightful valentine cupcake wrappers from CakeSpy sponsor (and buddy!) Bella Cupcake Couture!

That's right: Bella Cupcake Couture has kindly offered up a pack of these sweet cupcake wrappers for two lucky CakeSpy readers!

How do you put your name in the hat? It's like, so easy. All you have to do is leave a comment below answering this important cake question:

In your opinion, what is the most romantic cake flavor?

Is it a sexy red velvet? Decadent flourless chocolate? Or maybe it's gooey butter cake that proves sweetly alluring? Curious cake fiends want to know! This giveaway will close on January 21 at 12pm PST and the winners will be announced shortly after! In the meantime, check out Bella Cupcake Couture's website here, and find 'em on Facebook here.

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Reader Comments (98)

Chocolate. It makes everyone happy and when you're happy it's easy to be romantic!
January 15 | Unregistered CommenterLacey
I think Pink Champagne cake is pretty romantic. To start it is pink and people are always drinking champagne with romantic dinners for two.
January 15 | Unregistered CommenterMadison
I vote for red velvet too.
January 15 | Unregistered CommenterSourkraut
I guess I'm gonna be a little different, I say White Chocolate Macadamia Nut cupcakes with buttercream frosting!
January 15 | Unregistered Commenterohjalapeno
Definitely chocolate - not so much because I think it's romantic, but it's the favorite flavor of my main squeeze, so I make chocolate cake for him with lurve.
January 15 | Unregistered CommenterEmily
Anything Chocolate :)
January 15 | Unregistered CommenterManali
I would say lemon. It reminds me of my wedding cake.
January 15 | Unregistered CommenterMari
Mmm. I believe that chocolate flavored cake is the most romantic. (considering its fame as an aphrodisiac) ;)
January 15 | Unregistered CommenterCarla
Anything chocolate is a winner but Martha Stewart's chocolate salted caramel cupcakes are pretty darn sexy!
January 15 | Unregistered CommenterHilary
Raspberry! Or chocolate! Or both!
January 15 | Unregistered CommenterSarah
Anything chocolate!
Chocolate Kahlua. A girl can never have too much of either. :) Thanks for sharing the cupcake wrappers. I can't wait to order the red toile. I heart red toile!
January 15 | Unregistered CommenterHeather
red velvet
January 15 | Unregistered Commenterellen
I think a rasberry frosting on a delicate vanilla cake, not to heavy but sexy
January 15 | Unregistered CommenterLanis
dark chocolate <3
January 15 | Unregistered Commentercarrie
a very dark, sweet, moist chocolate cake base, with a vanilla bean buttercream, topped w/ a spicy cinnamon heart...mmmm...
January 15 | Unregistered CommenterLaurie T.

I made my husband some pretend Hostess Cupcakes for Valentines day a few years ago. He LOVES chocolate cake/cupcakes, and those cupcakes were a favorite when he was little. They were a big hit with him & his co-workers (he shared).
January 15 | Unregistered CommenterCate
Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate.
January 15 | Unregistered CommenterSarah
I would say dark chocolate, especially in any sort of flourless format is delicious and romantic. However, my first inclination was to say coconut...not sure why but for some reason it just came to me. I guess it is super sweet and that could be translated to romance. :)
January 15 | Unregistered CommenterEllen
Deep, dark chocolate!
January 15 | Unregistered CommenterGussie
Red Velvet of course
January 15 | Unregistered CommenterAnnie
Dark chocolate cake, dark chocolate ganache, and raspberry filling. Oh yeah.
January 15 | Unregistered CommenterLydia
Nothing beats a good chocolate cake...yum I want me some right now
January 15 | Unregistered CommenterAlexa G.
There is a scene in the movie Excalibur where Gwen brings Arthur a small cake, kinda like a cupcake...and he asks what's in the cake to which she replies It is an ancient mixture, containing only soft, unborn grains, and flavored with roses. The rest is secret.

Guenevere offers one to Arthur, and he hesitates, looking at it.

Merlin says Looking at the cake is like looking at the future. Until you have savored its bitterness and its sweetness, its texture and its perfume, what do you really know? And then, of course, it will be too late.

But Arthur is already taking a bite and so Merlin says, too late...

It is all very romantic... and so I think the most romantic flavor would be a honey spice cake with a rose flavored icing to signify a love that has remained constant throughout time... but for a decadent love... a silky white cake filled with dark chocolate mousse, topped with marshmallow whip and a chocolate covered strawberry... for a sweet innocent love, an angel cupcake with cherry drizzle then milk chocolate frosting and topped with pitted paired cherries with either stems attached or knotted together... okay, now I want a cupcake :P
chocolate truffle cake
January 15 | Unregistered Commentersarah
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