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Cake Byte: CakeSpy Interview on Java Cupcake

Photo c/o Java CupcakeCurious about the life of a Spy?

Well, you can get your sweet fix on the inner workings of a professional Cake Gumshoe's mind over at Java Cupcake, where there's a super sweet interview up today. Not only will you be treated to some sweet photos but you'll also be amused by musings such as how maybe, just maybe, the internet was invented for discovering cool new cupcakes.

Check it out here!

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Reader Comments (3)

Thanks for spreading the word Jessie! :) Love this picture of you and Emily!!!

<3 Betsy

In the morning Ailsa was up early. She did not links of london have to work. But something was on her mind. She thought she had heard the watch ticking in her sleep. Ailsa took the out of her dresser. It was even more pleasing links of london sale to Ailsa smiled. It was real spring day, sunny, but links of london charms not too hot, not too cold, the kind of day Ailsa liked best. She climbed on her bicycle and headed downtown to do links of london rings some shopping.

July 21 | Unregistered Commenterwasai

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