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Hip to Be Square: Square Cupcakes at Columbia City Bakery, Seattle

Like, OMG! A square cupcake!

Wait, wait. Before you accuse me of being too easily impressed, allow me to assure you that this cake, from Seattle's famous Columbia City Bakery, has more going for it than just an unexpected shape: it's also a deliciously decadent and dense carrot cake. Proving that sometimes subtle sweetness is all you need, this cake derives much of its flavor and sweetness from the natural flavor of the carrots, which are then made even better when paired with a rich, buttery, cream cheesy frosting piped into a cute nubbly texture. Add a few nuts on top for crunch, and you've got yourself a winner.

It's so hip to be square, when you're a cupcake.

Square cupcakes (!), available at Columbia City Bakery, 4865 Rainier Ave S., Seattle; online here.

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    Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life - CakeSpy - Hip to Be Square: Square Cupcakes at Columbia City Bakery, Seattle

Reader Comments (6)

I wish i lived close enough to try one of these! they look so yummy

June 3 | Unregistered Commenterkat

My friend took me there about a year ago. I had something chocolatey, I believe, and it was absolutely fantastic.

June 4 | Unregistered CommenterPenguinBot

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