Sweet Art: Dip for Illustration Friday

Not to alarm you, but I'm pretty sure Cuppie just double-dipped. Not cool, Cuppie.
Done for this week's Illustration Friday theme of Dip.
cake art

Not to alarm you, but I'm pretty sure Cuppie just double-dipped. Not cool, Cuppie.
Done for this week's Illustration Friday theme of Dip.
Reader Comments (11)
A Cuppie after my own heart, Margies and Chips & Salsa!
Cupcakes and margaritas. I just went straight to my happy place!
That's MY kind of cuppie! ;)
hahaha! this is priceless! I love it!
Cupcake sappin' my Salsa!
I love it! :D
Oh no, Cuppie cooties!
Nice goin' cuppie!
Adorable! I won't hold it against him...
I dip, you dip, we dip!
Cuppie is too cool... double dippin' or not.
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