The Bomb: Filled Cupcakes a la Smitten Kitchen for Serious Eats

Here in Seattle, every March something extremely joyful happens: all of the cupcake shops debut their individual takes on boozy Irish-themed cupcakes.
However, for those of you not in Seattle (or someplace that embraces Irish-inspired cake flavors as readily), fear not, because I've found a recipe to share.
It's an adaptation of the now legendary version first found last year on Smitten Kitchen, with some small liberties taken. Amazingly, while the alcohol is very much present in these cakes, it somehow manages to not be overpowering, instead imparting sophisticated flavor to the frosting and filling and a decadent fudgy texture to the cake.
For the full writeup and recipe, visit Serious Eats!

Reader Comments (8)
i saw this posted last year on Smitten Kitchen and flipped over it. Thanks for reminding me about it. Cute pic.
um...yum. and thank you.
I would just like to say, firstly, GREAT recipe! I will definitely be making them because they look so delicious! Secondly, I was really disappointed at the way the comments turned out on the Serious Eats post. It's a shame that we can't just have a simple cake recipe posted without such controversy.
Keep up the excellent work. I'm a big fan of the blog! :) x
I made these for my son's birthday last fall, easily the yummiest cupcakes I've had in forever. Wish I had doubled the quantity because they were all gone by the AM. I used a star tip to do the ganache and the frosting so the top was covered in alternate colors of stars
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