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Refreshing and Sweet: Cupcake Royale Debuts the Raspberry-Lemonade Cupcake for August

Photo c/o Cupcake Royale, new August flavor!
Cupcake Royale has had a lot going on lately, what with the opening of their beautifully outfitted new location and owner Jody Hall speaking out about Health Care on NPR. But of course we can't forget the cupcakes, and this August they've got a refreshing new flavor: Raspberry Lemonade.

Per their site, the new flavor consists of "fresh, local, organic raspberries from Willie Green's organic farm in the cake, topped with tart and tangy, oh-so-summery lemon cream cheese frosting". I love that the flavor has the raspberries mixed into the cake rather than just as part of the frosting--it sounds so refreshing for the summer heat, but with a welcome bit of richness from the cream cheese frosting.

The new flavor will be available at all four Cupcake Royale locations through August 31st; for more information, visit cupcakeroyale.com; for instant updates, follow them on Twitter!

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Reader Comments (8)


August 5 | Unregistered CommenterSnooky doodle

Now that I can walk to Cupcake Royale (!), my goal is to taste every flavor of the month. Strawberry in July was good, and this one sounds even better.

Speaking of raspberries mixed into the cake, I have Molly Wizenberg's blueberry-raspberry pound cake (Homemade Life, page 20) in the oven as I type.

August 5 | Unregistered CommenterLaurie

Yeah! It does sound delicious! Laurie: I think the best part is that the light summer flavors get a rich and decadent backing from the lemon cream cheese frosting. Oh, goodness! I have a bit more of a hike but it's walkable...and I am so glad it is.

August 5 | Unregistered CommenterCakespy

My homesickness just got worse. Maybe I better get to Seattle before the end of August!

August 5 | Unregistered CommenterLyndsey

drool. it looks so PERFECT!

August 6 | Unregistered CommenterMellz

I make a habit of trying each of the monthly flavors once. LOVED the Strawberry 66 with the most amazing punch of flavor in the buttercream. These, I was rather disappointed as I felt their description didn't live up to the real thing. The lemon was so slight as to be barely noticeable in the frosting. From the description, I was expecting something closer to the punch of the lemon drop. The raspberries are nice but are only flavor when you bite into them, I didn't see that they flavored much of the surrounding cake. (The quantity of raspberry in the babycake seems highly variant but the regular size was good.) End result: I'd rather one of their standard flavors over this month's feature.

August 10 | Unregistered CommenterKT

Do you know where I could find a good recipe for these cupcakes? I am dying to try them!

August 13 | Unregistered Commenterandi

I had it over the weekend and loved the icing! It's really delish. Just wish the cake could have been a little more moist... =)

August 13 | Unregistered Commenterh.Lo
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