Tongue in Cheek Sweets: Cupcakes by Cynically Delicious

Now, it shouldn't surprise you that on our recent San Francisco trip, our sightseeing didn't involve Alcatraz, the Fisherman's Wharf or the Golden Gate bridge--it was more of the cookie, cake, ice cream and pie variety.
One of our favorite discoveries? SF-based special-order cupcakery Cynically Delicious, who serendipitously happened to be seated next to us at the Renegade Craft Fair.
Their mission statement is fun:
she's got great taste in shoes...
no offense to your mom, but we probably don't bake like her.
cynically delicious is a boutique cupcakery that combines the joys of food with the fun of art. we don't take ourselves too seriously, but we do use serious ingredients.
But their cupcakes, wrought with pop-culture references, are even funner. At the show they were serving the "MJ" Michael Jackson tribute (chocolate on the inside, vanilla outside, ordained with his black shoes and white socks); the "Crap Cake" (ghiradelli chocolate cake with cayenne cinnamon frosting with marzipan flies buzzing on top); the "Fuzzy Navel" (peach cake with champagne frosting); and the "Slumdog Selleck" (chai cake with cardamom cream cheese frosting, topped with a Selleck-inspired moustache).
The attitude that surrounds these cupcakes is very fun, and it makes the cupcakes a pleasure to eat--we're so glad to have discovered you, Cynically Delicious.
For more information (or if you're in the Bay Area and want to place an order), visit

Reader Comments (16)
Mmmm. I had the Slumdog as well! I heart cardamom!!
OMG how hysterical are these cupcakes. I am dying over the 'Slumdog Selleck'! HAhaha the choco mustache makes it.
The Selleck mustache is a classic! I can just hear the Magnum theme song now!
Ew! Those poopcakes are so gross I bet they taste great!
I would've gone with the flies...although the cayenne cinnamon frosting is intriguing.
MUSTACHE CUPCAKES!!!! Aaah, I love it!
I'm also getting seriously jealous of all this cupcakery on the west coast. Maybe I need to take matters into my own hands...
I just bought a mustache cookie cutter...I think I need to break it in. :) This is inspiring!
And, those cupcakes are the flavors, love the names!!!
What a fun shop!
Sooooooo bummed I missed your visit!!!!
that's hilarious. i love funny cupcakes. especially with MUSTACHES!
These fall under the Not Right category. A total scream!
I toooootally want to eat the crap cake! Or a crab cake. Mmmmmmm....crab cake.
Haha! Those crap crakes were amusing! It even has a fly on top. Very creative! Though I hope it doesn't taste like the actual... you know. :D
I love the Slumdog Sellek cupcake! How funny! As for me, I'd love to try the Fuzzy Navel. Sounds delightful. Emily Martin, the black apple, posted about her recent trip to the Renegade Craft Fair where someone gave her a Thriller cupcake. I'm going to guess they came from this little shop :O)
When I tried to make chocolate initials to stick into a cupcake, they melted (even with the ac on full blast) as soon as I tried to stick them into the frosting- how does one make this work?
Hi Life out Here... I use Guittard melting chocolate apeels to create the mustaches. You can usually purchase them at most baking supply stores or if I run out late at night, I just grab some dipping chocolate from the grocery store. (It's usually right by the strawberries.)
Here's a link that gives you fairly good instructions when working with melting chocolate. I just pipe the mustaches onto parchment paper, place that in the freezer, and then take them out when needed. But after that, they shouldn't melt.
Let me know if you have any additional questions. -Sabrina from cynically delicious.