Sweet Art: Craving for Illustration Friday

This week's Illustration Friday theme is Craving, which seemed very appropriate as I just returned from NYC, where I was able to indulge in my ultimate cravings: cupcakes (from Butter Lane, Sweet Revenge, Chikalicious, Cupcake Cafe...and more) and of course, an enormous and delicious slice from my favorite pizza place, Ray's on 6th Ave. and 11th Street. And so to celebrate this gratification, it seemed apt to submit this illustration of Cuppie enjoying a slice. Cupcakes and pizza, what could be better?

Reader Comments (13)
Cupcakes and pizza? Yes. Pizza cupcakes. Not so much. ;)
I will never forget Ray's it was the best pizza !! Thanks for the reminder!
Sounds great. I'm from Chicago and I do miss the pizza and the bakery. Can't find any of that in California.
The only way it could be better is if that pizza had bacon on it! ;-)
it REALLY doesn't get any better than cupcakes and pizza.
sigh...how i miss the food in the northeast!
I love your cupcake art! Cupcake eating pizza at Ray's, how cute!
pizza cupcakes? maybe it's a bad idea. i love your little cupcake characters. what a great concept.
oh yummmmmm!!!I am craving some pizza too....
great work!!
I love that Pizza place! Fantastic!
Love it! So miss that NY pizza!
i love that Cuppie eating pizza!
That's just darling. I did a painting of a hamburger for my craving submission.
Anyone who comes into Butter Lane and mentions they saw us on your blog gets two for one cupcakes Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays through the month of February. (Limit two per day.) At the end of the month, the blogger with the most mentions wins a dozen cupcakes!
Maria Baugh
Butter Lane