Get Sconed: Sweet Treats at The Scone Pony, Spring Lake NJ

The Stone Pony is a legendary rock club in New Jersey, largely put on the map as one of the venues where Bruce Springsteen got his start. But why go into detail about that on a baked-good website? Well, it lets you in on the joke when we talk about one of our favorite new bakeries, The Scone Pony in Spring Lake, NJ.
Now, we were already halfway in love with this bakery based on the pun-tastic name alone. But happily, as good as the shop's name is, the baked goods are even better. For reals.
As soon as you walk in, the warmth of the space and staff hits you instantly. The space is small but cozy, with various little gift items and a limited amount of seating up front leading up to a generously filled bakery case which opens up right into the kitchen so you can see the bakers at work. Owner Debra grew up around baked goods--her parents owned a bakery in North Jersey when she was growing up--and her passion and enthusiasm are contagious. She and her family made the transition from home baking to commercial baking starting with scones (theirs are half biscuit, half cake, and very delicious), which began to take on a cult following at holiday get-togethers; they began to build a home business around it, and eventually decided to graduate to a retail space. Though the scones are still a big part of business, they're certainly not the whole picture: the bakery has a dizzying array of treats. Naturally, we tried a variety:
Some deliciously flaky sfogliatelle;
An insanely decadent, fudgy chocolate brownie;
Cupcakes, including a delicate coconut cupcake which had delicately coconut-infused cake as well as frosting, and a surprisingly subtle, not too-sweet German chocolate;
A whoopie pie filled with tantalizing sweet creamy filling;
An almost too-decadent (note: almost) peanut butter pie topped with luxurious chocolate ganache;
A simple but perfect peanut butter cookie sandwich filled with a sweet peanut butter cream (kind of a fancy Nutter Butter);
And of course, the scones--in vanilla bean and mixed berry.
Honestly, everything we tried was very impressive--homey, but in a...shall we say, better than we could make at home sort of way. The Scone Pony has a great name and even better baked goods--if you happen to find yourself by the NJ shore, they're an absolute must-try.

Reader Comments (8)
So glad you made a stop there - it's the BEST!!!
after all those pretty pictures - the "fancy nutterbutter" made me drool the most. yummm
wowww the peanut butter pie looks sooo good!
So yummy! My great grandfather was the lighthouse keeper in Sea Girt, the tiny town next to Spring Lake, so I'm always excited to see reference to my home beach places!!!
As Liz Lemon would say " I want to go to there'.
A visit to The Scone Pony is like a mini-vacation! Everything is delicious and the owners are so warm and welcoming. Go there!!
I love sfogliatelle! That bakery looks awesome too. I have always dreamed of owning a bakery and if I did I would want it to look like that:)
Too funny that there are so many Jerseyites on here. Next time I go home I'll definitely pay a visit.