Comeback Candy: Valentine's Day Chocolate Redux
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
It's a hard thing indeed, to realize that you're past you're prime. Where once you were the toast of the town, now you're yesterday's news: washed up, aging, without many prospects for the future.
But what if--just what if--you could have one more shot at the big time?
No, we're not talking about you, Mickey Rourke (although seriously--what's happened to you since Diner?). We're talking about Valentine's Day Candy. Just a week and a half ago it was the star of the sweet world--now, half eaten boxes of chocolates are being discarded, and what boxes are left are relegated to sad sales bins, prices slashed.
But we know everyone loves a comeback--and so we decided to try to breathe some new life into those leftover chocolates to give them one last hurrah and to bring them up to date with the current sweet scene: and so, we made them into an Easter Bunny.
Here's what we did.
First, we took all of our leftover Valentine's Day chocolates--you know, those weird flavors that are always left--can't say for sure, but think they were vanilla fondant, strawberry cream, and some sort of almond marzipan-filled. We put them in a water bath to melt them.
Of course, having a brilliant idea in the middle of this, we poured in all of our leftover Sweethearts (side note: when did Sweethearts start sounding so stalker-creepy?).
Unfortunately, these sweethearts are pretty much indestructible, so rather than melting they more just became sugary lumps.
Since we didn't have a rabbit-shaped mold, we then sort of bent a mitten cookie cutter into a vaguely bunny-shaped blob, and poured the chocolate slurry into it.
Once it was solid but still malleable, we removed the cookie cutter and added an extra few dabs to form bunny ears.
Then, we let it all cool down and set overnight.
In the morning, we touched it up with some bunnylike features rendered in decorating gel frosting. And then we decided to name it. "Easter Bunny" didn't seem quite appropriate, so we settled on "Mangly". Because certainly, this mangled little bunny had a face only a mother could love.
Feeling rather self-satisfied with having helped breathe new life into Valentine's Day candy and fairly holier-than-thou about having a small carbon footprint, we decided to see what other Easter Candy thought of their new peer.
Unfortunately, they didn't seem to get along. Maybe they're just jealous.
Or maybe they see Mangly the leftover-candy Easter Bunny for what he is: a has-been who is desperately grasping for one more moment in the spotlight.
And if this is so, then perhaps it's time to face the fact that there's a season for everything, and unfortunately, the season of Valentine's Day candy has, sadly, passed.
Hey, at least we tried. But now, we say bring on the Cadbury Creme eggs and chocolate bunnies!
tagged cakespy mischief
Reader Comments (38)
HA! I love the mad face on the last Peep. I have to say, though, your mitten-turned-rabbit cookie cutter is more than slightly disturbing.
Courteous: Oh, I agree. It's definitely a Frankenstein bunny. Sure, it's chocolate..but somehow...I don't wanna eat it. ;-)
I don't know where YOU live. No candy gets thrown out in this house—except Sweethearts. But we don't let them in.
Angry eyes! It's just the upcomping peep-o-tition with the chicks. Sigh. Who knew Easter could turn into a down and out war?
Ah, such a cute bunny!! I don't know how you could bring yourself to eat it.
You are so creative! I posted a Valentines sweet today too. Good to give it one last day in the sun. Did you make the peeps too? I've never seen brown ones, but those are my all time faves. I can eat 12 in one sitting!
too hilarious! Maybe you can stretch them til Halloween...
Ha! It's the perfect recession candy - recycled for the next holiday! What are you planning to do with the leftover Easter candy? I shudder to think ...
Poor Mangly! Those nasty Peeps need to be more inclusive.
And HELLS YES to Cadbury Eggs. YUM.
You've got some crazy ideas... ;) Certainly creative!!!
... since I am now on WordPress, why can't I leave my comment using my Name/url. Only Blogger account or Open ID (what is Open ID?) to choose from... Did you know?
Ahhh, but what did it TASTE like? That mix of flavours, with the sugary lumps, must have been interesting to say the least! :D
You turn sweets into hilarity! Its awesome!
Little Mangly, bless his soul. Created to be nothing other than the butt of your jokes and the object of your disdain. You should be ashamed of yourself.... Im gonna start a petition on Facebook or something, just watch me.
Oh goodness! This is the most tragic episode of bullying I've witnessed since "The Velveteen Rabbit"!
I love your post - it's too funny. Mangly - the name reminds me of a small furry dog somehow ;) Poor Mangly and I love your creepy evil easter bunny. :)
So incredibly creative, funny, and well-photographed!
Man, those peeps look PISSED OFF!! Nobody interferes with Easter candy!
I think I love you.
gimme some mini eggs over your vday massacre!
This brings a smile to my face! Save the candy! :) An easter bunny made out of recycled chocolate puts cadbury eggs to shame ;).
Mangly the Bun-Bun is a total nut.
Oh my, yes further proof that you all are brilliant. And chocolate peep bunnies? Stop looking so haughty, your days are numbered.
I got your little note today : )
Were you @ Betty having dinner?
(I of course have to ask if you had dessert....)
surely not one of your better ideas....
The peeping 'faces' are priceless. This was a hoot.