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Holey Yum: Donut Pies

Donut Pies!

Donuts play nice, don't they? They're so open to collaboration. There's donut bread pudding. Donut burgers. Donut muffins. Donut soup.

And now, Donut Pie. Don't be fooled by the photo at the top: these are no typical donuts. They're in fact little morsels of pie crust, with filling rolled inside of them and then fried. While they're certainly not health food, they certainly are delicious: crispy, not too-sweet, easy to make, and completely open to improvisation with flavor. Here's how we made them:

Donut Pie
Donut Pies
  1. First, choose your favorite pie crust recipe (we used this one). We made the equivalent of a single pie crust, and the yield was about 15 mini Donut Pies.
  2. Next, decide what your filling would be. For our filling, we mixed one ripe banana, a small amount (1/4 cup, adding more to desired thickness) of heavy whipping cream, and 1 tablespoon of brown sugar, and two pinches of cinnamon. We mashed it until it was incorporated, but still a little bit lumpy. You can fill them with just about anything you'd use in a pie though. Let your filling sit to the side.
  3. Roll out your pie crust, and then score into strips. The strips should be about 2.5 inches wide, but as long or as short as you'd like. The length will determine how large the donut's circumfrence will be, so if you like mini donuts, keep them shorter.
  4. Donut Pies
  5. Lengthwise, spoon a small amount of filling in each strip. Be sure to leave a small gap of space at the top and bottom of the strip.
  6. Donut Pies
  7. Fold the crust over the filling lengthwise, so that you have a long, narrow, filled "log" of pie crust with filling inside.
  8. Donut Pies
  9. Form into a circle.
  10. Donut Pies
  11. Since we don't have a deep fryer, we then filled a frying pan on  with about 2 cups of canola oil, set to high heat, and once hot gently placed the donuts several at a time into the fryer, frying each side about 3-4 minutes or until golden.
  12. Donut Pies
  13. Gently remove from frying pan and place on paper towels to blot excess oil.
  14. Donut Pie
  15. Garnish as desired: with additional fruit topping (as above), whipped cream, ice cream, or for a more donutty look, chocolate icing (as seen on the chocolate topped ones) and sprinkles or swirls. Yum.
Donut Pies

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Reader Comments (47)

Oh yum. I'm speechless.

February 19 | Unregistered CommenterNikiTheo

Evil. Pure evil. I love it.

February 19 | Unregistered CommenterRecipeGirl

I am so not a donut person...but these...these I would eat! Yum!

Jessie I made cupcakes a few days ago and my hubby said they looked like mushrooms and they kinda did and I thought.....Cakespy would love these, lol. You can check them out:


Yep, arteries are screaming for more. Yum. As you know, I think all things pie rock. Lovely.

February 19 | Unregistered Commenterchou

Oh wow, you went there. You went there, and I am so glad. I was eating an orange when I read this post, and it's just not going to cut it. I'm pretty sure I need a holey treat now!

February 19 | Unregistered CommenterElyse

Oh wow, you went there. You went there, and I am so glad. I was eating an orange when I read this post, and it's just not going to cut it. I'm pretty sure I need a holey treat now!

February 19 | Unregistered CommenterElyse


February 19 | Unregistered Commentermichelle

Is this a great time to be alive or what?

February 19 | Unregistered Commenterdanamccauley

That looks so unhealthy and soooo good! Making me very hungry and there is nothing in this house to eat :(

February 19 | Unregistered Commenterthereddeer

I wonder what they'd taste like with a Streusel/Crumb filling...

February 19 | Unregistered CommenterFreddie Freelance

Oh my! These look decadent!

February 19 | Unregistered CommenterScreamin' Mama

Nothing evil about these at all! In fact I am going to be closing my computer and running to the kitchen to get to work! I will probably have them for breakfast! YUMMMY!!

February 19 | Unregistered Commenterjuliarr

How ingenious, I am continuously amazed at some of the things clever bloggers like yourself come up with! Doughnut pie looks delicious!

February 20 | Unregistered Commenterapparentlyjessy

Whoa, this looks amazing!! :)

February 20 | Unregistered CommenterSara

Jessie, you are a truly inspired dessert genius! ~Tara

February 20 | Unregistered Commentermama4life

Ummm...WOW! I am so making these this weekend.

February 20 | Unregistered CommenterTeanna

My husband says that these are over the top. I guess that means that I get to eat them all myself when I make them then. =)

February 20 | Unregistered Commenternoisy penguin

NikiTheo: Me too. cos my mouth is full of donut pie!

RecipeGirl: You said it!

Lisa: Haha! It was a fun experiment. And your cupcakes look awesome! If they look like mushrooms, they're awfully cute ones. As long as they don't taste like mushrooms!! :-)

Chou: Thanks! It was fun getting all invent-y in the kitchen.

Elyse: Oh, no way. Oranges would not cut it after seeing this. You need something fried--STAT!

Michelle: Ha!

Dana: So, so true. I think donuts are recession-proof!

Reddeer: So unhealthy and so good: you got it pretty much right on!

Freddie: I'll bet that would be delicious. I was thinking they'd be great with apple filling and some sort of cream on top too.

Screamin: Oh yes, decadent they are.

Juliarr: They'd be a great breakfast I think, a bit heartier than regular donuts.

Apparentlyjessy: They were a fun experiment indeed!

Sara: They're pretty good!

Mama4life: Wow, that is some serious praise!! I don't think of myself as a great baker so thank you!

Teanna: Have fun making them!

Noisy Penguin: your husband is so right--these are over the top. I think that's part of the fun--he'll totally want some when you make them, I guarantee it!

February 20 | Unregistered CommenterCakespy

I must make these. My husband is a donut-addict!!! I will test these on him, such a genius idea!! :) Thanks!

February 20 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

That is so cool, I never knew you could make donuts from pie crust. I guess it makes them all the more decadent! You have no idea how excited I was when you commented on my blog!!

February 20 | Unregistered CommenterSteph

Wow, how creative, and seriously delicious!

February 20 | Unregistered Commenterbittersweetblog

Wow! There is absolutely nothing else to say!

February 21 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

Oh my golly. I wonder if Nate would sell these at the Pie Hole on Pushing Daisies.

Holy Moly! I've got to find a way to make these gluten-free. Oh, it's been ages since I've had a donut...and a pie donut--ingenious!

February 21 | Unregistered CommenterSophie

Ooooo, Aaaaah, Mmmmmm!

February 21 | Unregistered CommenterJaimee

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