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Use Your Eggnoggin: Eggnog Nanaimo Bars For Serious Eats

Eggnog nanaimo bars
Anyone who has ever had a Nanaimo bar knows they are a singular sensation of a treat: unforgivingly rich, unbelievably indulgent, and completely irresistible.

And in celebration of the holidays, I'd like to present a version that is, if possible, even more over-the-top decadent: the Holiday Eggnog Nanaimo Bar. This variation is heaped with serious holiday cheer including a spicy, nutty white chocolate top layer and a rich, creamy, eggnog-and-booze-infused middle layer.

These bars are truly the stuff that dreams (and New Year's resolutions) are made of: your arteries may say no, but you'll find it hard to stop saying yes.

For the full post and recipe, check out Serious Eats!

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Reader Comments (4)

You say, "Sorry, coconut haters. This is not an option." Is that for real? Will it mess up the consistency? Other than the coconut, I'm all on board for this recipe.

Dear Decadent Cakespy,
I am aproaching the gates of Heaven... I think you have just presented the most amazing recipe ever. Thank you for sharing the sweetness.
Eggnog in the Head in NE

December 29 | Unregistered CommenterRae

Courteous: I dare you to prove me wrong on it, but I have tried it sans coconut before and it just isn't the same. It's not just a taste but a texture thing, in my opinion.

Rae: haha! It is very decadent...but very delicious too!

December 29 | Unregistered CommenterCakespy
I'm hoping to make these tomorrow, but I noticed (on several browsers) that steps 2 and 3 are missing on the Serious Eats site :( Any chance you can fix it?
November 27 | Unregistered CommenterAmy

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