Sweet Art: Fast for Illustration Friday

This week's Illustration Friday theme is "Fast", which immediately made me wonder how quickly a cupcake might run a marathon. As evidenced by this illustration, all that buttercream certainly does make for a sugar "rush"!
cake art

Reader Comments (10)
hahahah... cupcakes are super fast!
(everybody knows)
haha! yer funny, and I love this :)
Sweet! :D
for some reason i imagine your little cuppies as hovercrafting just an inch or two above the ground, but at a medium pace!! haha...
i got my CUPPIE in the mail today!! hooray!! thanks jessie! :)
weee... go go cuppy cakes! Love it dear. Super cute as usual. ^^*
SOOOO very cute! Thank goodness the buttercream didn't spoil. Love those fast cuppies and the waterstand. Fun!
uummm, now I want one! so wonderful
I love the cupcake wrapped in a mylar space blanket. Don't want your frosting to get chilled!
When scientists asked runners to visualize post-race cupcakes, the increased their speed by an average of 15 percent!
This makes me so happy! I ran the NYC Marathon Sunday, and some spectators had a sign telling someone that their cupcake was waiting and they were holding a big bag of them! I wish they were waiting for me...
I only imagine all of them racing to my mouth. "First one who goes down the small intestine is the winner!" LOL!
Cute art, btw. :)