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Sweet Spot: Dessert Links!

Ococoa Chocolate Peanut butter cups
Need advice on how to burn dessert with panache? Find it here.

Martino's Bakery is famous for their tea cakes, but to us they look like--gasp!--square cupcakes! (via Jess Loves Cupcakes)

Lenôtre est mort--we loved learning more about his life and contributions to the world of pastry.

Gale Gand tells us where to eat sweets in Chicago--but lucky us, we'd already been tipped off about a lot of these places by Natalie of Bake and Destroy and Claudia of Babushka Bakery!

We're impressed by the eclectic array of shippable desserts (including baklava, rice pudding, cinnamon rolls and cupcakes!) we found at foodsoftheweb.com.

These artistan, handmade butter cups (not just peanut butter!) by Ococoa look deliciously indulgent. Pictured top.


Did you know that for just $40 you can become a lifetime member of the Pie Council? (Did you even know there was a pie council?) Membership benefits include access to the Pie Times newsletter, manufacturer coupons/offers and discounted entry fees for the Pie Baking Championships.


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Reader Comments (11)

Those things look so decadent.

January 11 | Unregistered CommenterBakerella

oh wow ....the chocolates look so yummy and who knew about a pie council...

Have a wonderful week!!

January 12 | Unregistered CommenterDiana Evans

Oh, my! Those Ococoa cups are quite the teasers. Thanks for the tip!

January 12 | Unregistered CommenterSusan

Ah yes, a picture is worth a thousand bites...I wonder if Bakerella could figure out a way for us to make a facsimile...

January 12 | Unregistered CommenterCarol

Square cupcakes? I will have to think about this one for a while. Mmmmmmm.

http://www.deniablydomestic.blogspot.com" REL="nofollow">unDeniably Domestic

January 13 | Unregistered CommenterKelly

I just love your desserts here! I'm a fan!

January 13 | Unregistered CommenterKim

Hey, I just watched your video interview. Very cute!!! Have you ever thought of writing a children’s book about Cuppie? It could even become a series! I would buy such a book for my kids…

I work just across the street from Martino's, and I'm not a big fan of the tea cake, but their other square cupcakes are delicious and only 99 cents. Boo-yah!

January 15 | Unregistered CommenterLittle Miss Nomad

So cakespy.... What are the chocolate cupcake things in the picture? Where did THEY come from???

January 16 | Unregistered Commentercupcakefitz

Bakerella: Oh yes, totally decadent--and yummy!

Diana: I know! I love the fact that there is one.

Susan: You're welcome!

Carol: I'll bet she can!

Kelly: Yup! Awesome!

Kim: Thanks!

Nurit: That's hopefully in the future...:-)

Nomad: Interesting! Thanks for the thoughts. 99 cents to boot...that is amazing!

Cupcakefitz: They are the Ococoa truffles mentioned in one of the links! :-)

January 17 | Unregistered CommenterCakespy

Now thats a council I could get behind! According to Modern Baking pies are the third most popular dessert item, after cakes and cookies. Seems they've been getting more and more popular. There is even a National Pie Championship! I'd love to be on that panel of judges!

January 19 | Unregistered CommenterPinky
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