Papadopoulos Metropolis: A Cookie Adventure in Astoria, Queens

In a faraway place called Greece, there grows a unique and magical tree which yields not lemons, not olives...but cookies. Gorgeous cookies which are straw-like in appearance, and comprised of thin wafer curled around layers of rich creamy filling. They call these the Caprice cookie.

CS: Can you describe what a Papadopoulos cookie is, exactly?
JP: A Papadopoulos cookie is many things (technically when I say "Papadopoulos Cookie" i mean a "Caprice" cookie, Hazelnut or Praline, made by the Papadopoulos cookie company...) but most specifically, it's one of the most delicious, delicate, and memorable cookies I've ever eaten.... seriously. I have different ways of eating them depending on my moods. Usually, I'll take it in my mouth like a cigar, start chewing and feeding it into my mouth until I've got the whole thing eaten in one fell swoop.
CS: Can you tell us your first Papadopoulos cookie memory?
JP: I think it was when I was around 4 years old, I had eaten the last of the cookies on a hot summer day, and the filling had melted down onto the corrugated paper liner at the bottom of the tin. I realized that there was enough there to equal almost another cookie's worth of filling. It was a happy time, and I ended up covered in chocolate.
CS: What is the largest quantity of Papadopoulos cookies you've ever consumed in one sitting?
JP: I refuse to answer this question. I don't have a problem. You don't know me!!!!!
CS: What is the best thing about Papadopoulos cookies?
JP: When you think the can is almost empty, you look and find that one has broken in half and both halves are still there. Unexpected yum! The best kind!
CS: Can people who are not of Greek descent really enjoy a Papadopoulos cookie in the same way you can?
JP: Honestly, I don't think we'll ever know. It all goes back to that existentialist question of "are the colors I see the same as the colors you see?". But to answer your question, no.
CS: You cite Hazelnut as being the finest Papadopoulos cookie flavor. What makes it so superior to, say, chocolate or praline?
JP: Well hazelnut and praline are the filling in the chocolate wafer tube. The hazelnut has a much better flavor, in my opinion, to the others. That brings us to the next question though...
CS: Papadopoulos cookies kind of resemble Pirouline cookies. How do they stack up for you, as a Papadopoulos?
JP: Pirouline and other "wannabe" Papadopoulos cookies pale in comparison. They may LOOK the same, but the amount of creme inside, the crumbly texture of the outer cookie shell, the construction, and overall taste of a Papadopoulos cookie is light-years ahead of anything you'll ever come across.
CS: Any final words to add on the joy and beauty of the Papadopoulos cookie?
JP: Yeah, I just finished the last one in the tin we bought during our adventure in Queens (seriously.. just now, not kidding). When do we get more?
Astoria, NY; (718) 626-7771. Omonia (pronounced "Ammonia") is located at 3220 Broadway, Astoria, NY; (718) 274-6650 .
Reader Comments (21)
I used to eat those cookies all the time, but never really knew what they were - I love James' description of them: "It's one of the most delicious, delicate, and memorable cookies I've ever eaten.... seriously." Perfect!!
I'm just bopping around the house singing "Papadopoulos"....
"Papadopoulos"...."Papadopoulos" :)
When I was younger my family moved into a new house that had a second fridge in the garage. The only thing left in it when we arrived? Cans of these cookies!
I LOVE this blog title, very musical...then I read EB's comment....really funny!
I've had "knock off" versions of the Caprice cookie. They are good too, so I can only imagine if I were to try the real thing and if I were Greek, how even better they would taste!
I'll I've had are the Piroulines, so now I'm feeling like I've been cheated all my life.
Three words: I WANT SOME.
That is all.
Trader Joe's has tins of these sorts of cookies...the name is escaping me at the moment...that are really, really good and pretty inexpensive.
I've also had cookies in this style in Japan. I had no idea they originally came from Greece :D
this sounds like it was a particularly fun interview to conduct! greeks rule, and i wish i could claim such an ancestry. :)
These ARE the best cookies... Chocolate with chocolate filling is my fave! Great for entertaining too.
P.S. This is such a cute interview, as always!
Do you have any idea how tempting it is to go to Queens right this very second? Trouble is, it's "only" 10 hours by car and 1 1/2 hours by plane from me...:(
Veggiegirl: Yup, that James... ;-)
EB: HA!!! What a lucky thing to find!!
Rockerjewlz: Thanks! Glad you liked it :-)
Anali: So true, if only I were Greek I might know! Oh well, we can still eat them and try to understand.
Deborah: Let's change that stat!
Alicia: I want some more!!! I am back in seattle now and am missing them (and James too!).
Owl Chick: Secret: This particular cookie type might not originally be from Greece. I am not sure. But--don't try to tell that to the owners of these places in Queens! :-)
Grace: It was a fun and delicious interview!
Anne-marie: So true! Good for entertaining if you don't go through the tin before the guests arrive!!
Giz: Pretty tempting to me too! Luckily they can be had via internet! :-)
Having read this, I realize I've only eaten the "wannabes" in the past. I MUST have the real thing!
Cakespy: Your "secret" just reminded me what the name of these cookies are at TJ's...
...Corinthians. How very Greek of them! ;)
I don't know if they carry them year-round or not, but they were pretty tasty at $1.99 per container!
Dang, I wonder if there's a vegan version.
These look soooooo delicious!
Hahaha ahhhhh yesss... I saw those "cookie trees" everywhere when I was in Greece last Fall!!
OMG, LOVE piroulines, so I MUST MUST MUST try these! Thanks for the "tip!"
A few days ago I randomly bought some of these at my usual grocery store. I can't decide if it was a good thing or bad thing, because now I fear I may be addicted! The wafer so light can crispy, the filling so creamy.
Qué rica que es esa porquería!!! ;-)
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