Cake Byte: The Results of our Super-Sweet Giveaway!

Like, whoa. At 12pm PST, when our Cake Poll closed, we had received a grand total of 138 entrants, a combination of responses via comments and via email. Not only were we thrilled that people were so excited about the sweet prize, but we were super-psyched to see so much cake love and enthusiasm, and to see the role that cake plays in so many different people's lives. Moreover, it was a fascinating experience, and we have learned a bunch of new things, including:
- What many of us refer to as Red Velvet Cake is known and loved in some parts of the world as Waldorf Red Cake (or sometimes, Red Waldorf). Why so? Turns out there's a story behind it--allegedly, in the 1960's when dining at the Waldorf=Astoria Hotel in New York City, a diner was most impressed with the signature red cake and asked for the recipe; several weeks later, she received the recipe in the mail, along with an invoice for between $150 and $350, depending on the source. Royally pissed, she created a chain letter by which to spread the recipe, so that nobody would ever again be billed for it. Urban legend or true tale? That's not for us to say, although we did enjoy the story.
- While you might enjoy a dry martini, no dry cakes, please: resoundingly, dry cake was the most likely reason for you to consider it a "bad" cake.
- While you love frosting, you're no junkies: Most entrants preferred 3/4 cake to 1/4 frosting, or 2/3 cake to 1/3 frosting as their ideal cake-to-frosting ratio. Some of you said you don't like frosting, but we don't believe you.
In an effort to make a random and fair choice, we inputted our list to, where we then let technology determine the victor. And so who was it?
The Oscar goes to--er, we mean, the winner is...Becky of East Granby, CT!
We were happy to get to know Becky a bit more through her responses (which we have listed below):
Where did you grow up? Where do you live now?
What were some of the special cakes from your childhood?
Presently, how often do you eat cake or cupcakes?
If you were stranded on a desert island and had to live on one type of cake or cupcake for the rest of your life...what type would it be?
On cupcakes, what is your ideal ratio of cake to frosting?
How do you feel about cakes or cupcakes from mixes?
What's the best thing about eating cake or cupcakes?
Is there such a thing as a bad cake? If so, what makes it bad?

Reader Comments (18)
LOL, love the opera cupcake...congrats to the winner.
Congrats to the grand champion! I'm considering a piece on Etsy... It's just so hard to choose ONE - the cuppy-cakes are all so fabulous!
Aw man, I'm so bummed that I ran out of time to participate- I was too busy running around all weekend. Oh well, congrats to the winner all the same!
Yayay!!! I'm so excited to have won. I love original art _almost_ as much as I love cake. So imagine how fabulous it is to win original art that DEPICTS cake. EXTREMELY FABULOUS!
Chocolate cake or cheesecake would be my desert island cake, though it would melt in about ten minutes considering the no-refrigerator aspect of desert islands + global warming. Flourless cakes or pies with a crumbly crust were always my faves.
Congrats, Becky! You won such an adorable painting., eh? Who would've even thought that such a site existed.
Man, I really wanted that print!!! But congrats to the winner. This was so much fun. We need to do it more often.
Jessie, I NEED that singing fat lady piece. I am a classical/opera singer and it is perfect for me! I didn't see it on your shopping site. Please, please, please let me know if it is available?
This was such a fun poll!!! And yes, dry cake is bad!
Congrats Becky!
Obsessive Foodie: Thanks, glad you liked the "fat lady" cupcake! And yes, congrats to Becky. She's a new cakespy reader and we're so happy to have such a cake lover reading!!
Valency: Thank you!! I think you'd need a custom one though...a cupcake dressed up as Fabulous Valency! :-)
Bittersweet: Thanks! And next time you can enter!
Becky: Congratulations! It's on its way!
Gtangerine: Hee hee, we love that you're so realistic about your desert island choice ;-)
Marq: how funny and "random", right??
Aran: Thank you for your kind words! It was such a success I think we will do it again!
Stickygooey: You acted fast!! Thank you for your order!!!
Vegan Noodle: No doubt! But your recipe booklet (got it!) is GOOD.
EB: I echo that again! :-)
Congrats Becky!
Hey Jessie...I have lost your email address and would like to talk to you about a custom piece. Could you email me? THANKS!
Congratulations to the winner!!!! I am both jealous (sniff) and happy (Yeah!!!) for you :)
This is so cute. I love the lil cupcakes.I myself have a brand of really small cupcakes called cupkakks. Please keep drawing - this is tooo cute!
☻♥♥♥xoxo gossipgirl xoxo♥♥♥☻
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