Happy Cakes: Cakespy Offers Sweet Prozac Alternatives for Dull Winter Days

The chocolate boxes are empty; the red roses are wilting. Without a doubt, post-Valentine's Day can be a bummer time of year, with not much other than the chance green-dyed pastry and Irish Soda bread between now and Easter Candy. Happily for you, Cakespy has put together a list of some confectionery Prozac alternatives: happy desserts, perfect for the dark winter days still ahead.

Frown not upside down yet? While personally we've begun to suspect that you might be soulless, nonetheless we've got one more fail-safe happy idea, provided by Cake Gumshoe Karen (who also works at a very cool company, Mailbox Tees): an over-the-top Rainbow Layer Cake! While some may say (shun the non-believers) that simply adding food coloring doesn't change a cake's taste and character, we suggest that you hold off on making judgements til you taste this rainbow; we think you'll find that yes, magic does add a little something to the mix. Recipe listed here.
Gâteau Basque (Basque Cake)
Servings: 8
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 25 minutes
- 2 cups flour
- 6 oz (12 Tbs) butter
- 2 eggs
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 cup black cherry jam
- 1/2 Tbs butter and 1 Tbs flour to prepare the mold
- 1 yolk for decorating the cake
Pre-heat the oven to 400 Degrees Fahrenheit.
Using 1/2 Tb, butter a round 7" pan. Coat the pan with flour.
In a bowl, mix flour, sugar and baking powder together and then add eggs and soft butter.
Split the dough into 2 parts, roll one out and place it in the pan, rising up the side of the pan by 1/2”.
Pour the jam on top of the dough.
Roll the second part of the dough on the table (after sprinkling some flour on the table) to form a round crust the same size as the pan.
Put it on top of the jam and stick the edges with the bottom dough. It is important to keep the jam inside the crust.
Mix an egg yolk with a few drops of water. Paint it on top of the crust.
Place in the oven for 25 minutes.
Recipe thanks to France Monthly.

Reader Comments (43)
The rainbow layer cake is a hoot -- and a wonderful idea just in time for my grandson's birthday! Thanks.
oh thanks for this recipe!! hubby always boasts of this cake but i never had the chance to enjoy them :-) maybe its about time
Oooh, that gateau basque looks delicious! Might have to have a go - I'm quite curious as to its texture, since it's a dough that requires rolling out.
Hi, the Gâteau Basque Cake looks so tempting to just take the bite. Thanks for posting the recipe, too. Greetings to you from Botswana !
I LOVE that cake! I have a difficult time with layers though, so it might just be a frustration to make! alas...
Very cute post! Those cakes look like they could cheer me up! The almonds are pretty too, but I still have some sitting on a dusty shelf from my wedding (20 years ago!). It's funny - we always give them out at weddings and no one ever eats them. Must be an Italian thing. ;)
wow, your blog is fantastic! i'll check it out very often!
Well if those cheerful treats don't put a smile on your face, I don't know what would. :)
Yumm the cake just poped up in my screen and i was wowed.
Really delicious.
LOVE your name.....I am a sweet fanatic....so is my husband. We exercise our butts off daily so we can eat hahahahaha. Thanks for sharing your blog!!! Great pictures.....i just take a quick snapshot before I devour my food (not very professional).
whoa, that pictures of the colourful almonds could make me starve do death.. I love them! very nice blog :O)
That rainbow layer cake is awesome! Love it. Thanks so much for including it!
Hi Jessie,
I just "tagged" you in a getting to know you game on my blog. Here's the link to my post:
I'm a HUGE fan of your blog. It's so much fun to read. And the artwork is just icing on the cake. (giggle)
I had never heard of a basque cake before. Sounds delicious!
Haha!! Alternate to Prozac sounds to me! Black Cheery jam, slurp! Looks gorgeous and recipe is easy too!!:)
That basque cake has to be better than Prozac, just look at it!
gorgeous sweets, as always!!
I am curious about Gateau Basque...it does sound delicious. And Miette....gorgeous miette...I shall make it my first stop in SF when I go there this march.
I know there are some great things going on in this post but I can't be bothered to read about them. I only have eyes for that FANTASTIC rainbow cake!
wonderful post and so true...although I have enough chocolate in the house just in case...lol
that rainbow cake looks so neat ...I will have to try that at a party this summer...yumm!
I just keep drawing sweets and treats for my "Yummy Sketches of the Day" and they seem to make me smile and get rid of any winter blues ....
Not only have you brightened my day, but now I want to make a trip to France! I will have to make that Basque Cake!
Oh I had basque cake once and I nearly died a sweet scrumptuous death of happiness! It was so amazing! But can I actually do it? Me doubts I can! I will print out your picture and eat it instead and pretend it was the real thing!
I've never heard of the Basque Cake before, but it sure looks good - how can you go wrong with a 3-in-1 hybrid?
Thank you, hun! The kids are out of school, it's raining again & these little treats will hit the spot! If I get my act together, I'll post a picture - either the cake or me losing my mind.
xoxox Amy