Make My Cake: A Gratuitous, Sugary Love Story

What follows here is a love story between Cakespy and Make My Cake.
We met this bakery years ago, at its old location, near the 2 and 3 train entrance on 110th Street. The location was unlikely, near a fried chicken joint, correctional facility and a dentist office, all on the north side of Central Park. You could smell the cake from a block away, its sweet sugary scent compelling more than one early morning commuter to have a cupcake for breakfast. The cupcakes were sweet--so sweet, in fact, that they have the power to make a black coffee taste as if it's had sugar added when consumed together. In fact, the first time we visited, one of our spies had to double check as to whether or not sugar had been added to the coffee. It hadn't--the cake was just that sweet.
Since then, Make My Cake has grown out of its space and moved into a gorgeous spot on 116th street (with another location/operations center at 2380 AC Powell Blvd.--owner JoAnn Baylor manages this spot, while daughter Aliyyah managest the 116th Street location). To us, this new location embodies everything a bakery should be: it's got a beautiful awning and entryway (exciting to walk into); it's thoughfully and sweetly decorated with cake paraphenalia, yet manages to escape looking saccharine with funny touches like a sculpture of a voluptuous little baker lady; it's got a well-stocked pastry case which lends itself to gaping and many sweet moments of indecision, and the employees are friendly and willing to offer suggestions (on a recent visit they suggested the strawberry cupcake, made with fresh strawberry bits in the frosting, in case you were interested).
Have we mentioned that we love this place?
Of course, appearances aside, what keeps us coming back is the cake. Owner JoAnn Baylor originally hails from Mississippi, and the cakes do seem to subscribe to the laws of Southern cookery--that is to say, don't skimp on butter or sugar; use fresh ingredients; and--very importantly--make 'em pretty. These are not necessarily subtle cakes--but they are good, with light (almost springy) cake which somehow still manages to be very rich, moist and buttery, and thick, dense, frosting with a touch of "bite" to the texture. And sweet. In fact, just as we remembered it, so sweet that it would be overkill to add sugar to your coffee. To some, this may sound like a bad thing. Fair enough, although we can't say we understand you. But to be sure, we're not alone in our love--their cakes have captured the attention and love of not only Cakespy but actual celebrities too, including P. Diddy, Vanessa Williams and the entire NY Knicks team.
Make Make Cake, we love you.
New York bakeries,
cakespy undercover,

Reader Comments (12)
mmmmm....super sugary sweet. so tantalizing. and i love the storefront!~ what a beautiful display they have created. and to think you knew them when...
I wish I could get them to deliver some cupcakes to me right this second! I'm observing the Solstice with a strict regime of hibernation and carb loading so these desserts would be an ideal addition to our menu.
you are right about that awning~
i would be unable to walk by without peeking in.
yes!!! i know it and love it!!! so close to the park; perfect if you're on your way to a picnic.
Whoah! Those sound deliciously incredible!
Can you believe i live in New-Yawk Cit-ay and i never been there?
116th street is way up... like Alaska or something.
I'll get my huskies and my sled ready and go there next week-end. :-)
Octavine: Yeah, we were TOTALLY in on the ground floor.
Dana: Oh man...too bad they can't be more geographically convenient to Canada! Maybe once you're out of hibernation.
Bonnie: it's such a happy place to visit. You should definitely go when you're in the city next!
Moonrat: Awesome!! I used to live right by it. I miss this place so much.
Melissa: They are.
Zen Chef: I wouldn't worry about it!! The whole time I lived in Morningside heights I rarely went north of 125th street--I think I only went to the bronx like twice the whole time I lived there. Now that I don't live there anymore, when I visit I am far more adventurous!
Well, I wish I'd cracked open this post sooner. I was just up in that neighborhood this afternoon. I must make a return trip. For strawberry cupcakes??!! In a second!
I love Make My Cake! They have the best red velvet cake I've ever eaten :)
Looks delicious. I had to make do with a Barnes & Noble / Starbucks cupcake today. I think you definitely had the better deal.
Food porn :) this post made me HUNGRY
Yes it is truly food porn and strawberry cake, YUM...I could easily leave my banana dreams for that!