Batter Chatter: Interview with Cordon Bleu Student Jess Abas

Cakespy Note: The photos used are all Jess' creations--they're all ssignments and baking projects!
Cakespy: What made you decide to study patisserie and baking?
CS: From what we hear, studying at Le Cordon Bleu is a very intense experience. Is it as hard/competitive as we hear?
JA: This school is definitely intense! They take what would normally take a couple years and condense it into one year (that's for the degree program). It's set up crazy but way worth it once you get to the end. The hardest part about the school is that it moves so fast that you sometimes (a lot) do not have time to perfect all the skills. You learn it, do it a couple times, and then you move on to the next thing. That always frustrates a lot of the students. Being in the this field turns everyone into a perfectionist, I think.
And yes, the school is really competitive. It's like 30 students all studying the same specialty, in one classroom... You always see people sneaking glances at your stuff and wonder what they are thinking. Than, you hear other people's grades and compare your stuff to theirs.
CS: Do you think that attending culinary school has changed the way you look at baked goods / pastries in bakeries or restaurants? More appreciative? More critical?
JA: Going to school has completely changed the way I see everything. It makes me both--more appreciative, in that I know the effort and time someone put in to get that product--and critical, in that now I know they way some things are supposed to taste and look from a classic stand-point. Although, I must say I just love old-fashioned baking (that's the best).
CS: You currently study in Scottsdale. Are there any pastries or bakeries that simply cannot be missed for visitors?
JA: Scottsdale is great! There are tons of restaurants and little bake shops, everywhere. Definitely, go to one of the school's restaurants. They have one at both campuses.
CS: What is your favorite baked good to make?
JA: I love baking anything, really. Pies, cookies, brownies, cakes, anything! As long as it tastes good, Ha! I find myself going back to making pies & cobblers, a lot. It's minimal ingredients, fresh fruit, slow-baked... how could it not be good? And they are great because the ingredients change according to season.
CS: What are your favorite baked goods to eat?
JA: My favorite things to eat? Absolutely everything, haha! I have a sweet tooth, that's for sure. I really love a great cookie with a glass of milk or a slice of pie with some ice cream. You know? The stuff that my Grandma would make.
JA: Oh wow! That's a hard question. My ultimate goal is to attempt to make as much delicious food as possible and try and bring as much joy to the people I am giving it to, as it brings me to bake it. I would love to just feed everyone, feed all the hungry.
CS: Do you have any advice for others who may be considering culinary school? Stuff you wish you knew before you started, tips, etc?
JA: If it's what you love to do, whether it be baking or cooking.. Just, go for it! School is a great way to get better and train and hone your skills. It's also a great way to network with other people in the industry. And you have to be committed, it's a tough school, it's a tough field, and it's a tough job. Just love it and do it.

Reader Comments (13)
Wow, Jess's experiences at culinary school sound eerily similar to mine at PICA, only we had smaller classes. The products showcased here are beautiful!
wonderful post....I would love to bake each and every day!!! The cakes and treats look amazing....
This was fun to read, since it's been almost 8 years that I finished pastry school. Her experience seems so similar to what mine was. I loved culinary school!
Really enjoyed reading this. I would love to do a patisserie course but - alas - work always gets in the way.
Loved the post, i would love to go to one of the evening cooking schools here, it is a three year course, am waiting for my daughter to get 18, so when she in in colleage, i can go for this school.
That is in 2 years .
Great interview. I have tasted some of Jess's confections and they are as good to eat as to look at! The Sugar Bar in Nashville will be lucky to have her!
What a great post!! Just look at Jess's confections and The Sugar Bar - whoohoo I'm in sugar heaven!! Love that photo of the top cake :)
Rosie x
Wandering Coyote: That's interesting, I wonder if a lot of pastry schools follow the same type of format?
Diana: don't they just? I wish I could chow down on them!
Tanya: Yay! Glad to bring back some happy and sweet memories!
Caked Crusader: So sad! :-(
Happy Cook: I can't wait to hear about it when you start!
Anonymous: LUCKY, lucky you!!!
Rosie: Isn't it lovely?
the sugar bar seems like a rather adorable spot. great branding and i like the little button candy they have on their cupcakes! i've looked into le cordon bleu before, as well as local schools in vancouver. then i started baking on my own and learning from books. one day i'd like to do a patisserie class in paris, would be very dreamy!!
Jesse has fulfilled a lot of our dreams. Great interview. She will be a fantastic baker.
Thanks so much for giving me this opportunity! I am now in Nashville working at a production bakery in the pastry department and it's great!
I love your blog so much!
And this interview was amazing.
Thanks so much, again!
Jess: Congratulations!! Can't wait to hear more about your pastry adventures. Thank you again for doing the interview!
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