Vive le Roi: The Story of the King Cake of New Orleans

The King Cake is a direct US descendant of the French gateau des rois (not to be confused with the gallette des rois, which has a puff pastry base and frangipane filling, as opposed to the filled-brioche style of what became the King Cake) from France, part of the feast of the Epiphany. Why the royal name? Well, it takes its name from the three kings of biblical lore, going along with the idea that the twelfth day of Christmas, when the three kings arrived bearing gifts for the young Christ, there was much celebration and merrymaking to be made. Afterward, part of the tradition became to crown a "mock" king of celebrations, the king being whoever came across a trinket (originally a bean) in the cake at the festivities. The bean custom seems to have been borrowed / inspired by the Saturnalia festival of the Roman Empire. The Epiphany celebration became a celebration of the new year, a fruitful harvest, and healthy year ahead; it is also a forefather of the modern Mardi Gras, a necessary bit of excess and evil before the solemn days of Lent.

But regardless of the meaning of the baby, they're still highly covetable little miracles: just as with the older versions of the cake, whoever finds it in their piece is declared the king or queen of the party, and gets to wear the crown with which the cake is often served. And while it's good to be king or queen--royal duties will include leading the drinking and merriment, and the ability to command others to act upon your whim--don't despair if you don't get the coveted bean or baby. Aside from saving precious tooth enamel, the king or queen is frequently appointed to either pay for the night's drinking, or buy the cake and host the party the next time.
Long live the king, indeed.
Want to try making your own King Cake? Well, it seems like a serious undertaking, but we spied an authentic recipe at Vegans need not despair; Melisser the Urban Housewife suggested a vegan recipe too, which can be found at Thanks Melisser!

Reader Comments (36)
Kudos to you for getting a jump on Mardis Gras and knowing the end of Christmas was the Epiphany. Great photos and I'm going to make a point of keeping an eye out for King Cake.
I first heard about King Cakes from the awesome Kittee at Cake Maker to the Stars. She has a great vegan recipe at
Thank you Jeanna! Yeah, bring on the King Cakes!
Also, thanks Melisser, I put a link to that web site too! Yay!
Yum! I love King Cake. My friend from New Orleans introduced it to me. I can't imagine making it though (but you know I am not a baker). I do think it is quite odd though to potentially be biting down on a plastic baby Jesus. :)
I never knew that in New Orleans they celebrate too the KIng Cake Season!! I'm impressed that you knew very well the difference between the gallette de rois and gateau des rois..but personally i prefer gallette des rois coz i love the frangipane feeling.. but the cake photo you have looks absolutely delicious....i would definitely say yes for a slice of it!!
ps, you are one hell of a walking encyclopedia of food :-)
ps, btw i was crowned the "queen" yesterday :-)
I am learning here about King Cake thanks for the info :) I'm going to have a look at your links to this post, very interesting and tempting too - just what I like lol
Rosie x
I have seen this cake made once in a cookinf programme.
A vegan King Cake would be heavenly, thanks for the link!
I can't imagine this is more difficult than a braided challah. I might make it, but, being Jewish, maybe I'll put a little plastic King David inside. ;-)
This is timely. I was just about to write the history of the King Cake today. There was a great story on NPR a few years ago.
What a fantastic post! I was fortunate enough to have found the little baby in the king cake once. Friends of ours from New Orleans used to have a party every few years to celebrate Mardi Gras, and they always serve a king cake. I never knew the full story behind it! Thanks for the great information.
I meant to add that, as always, your stories are colorful and entertaining.
Interesting! I had no idea such a cake existed. I would love to try the cream cheese filled version. Though the bright coloured icing on top kind of scares me.
I love the list of your "interests". I have this thing about frangipane myself, lol. What great pictures!! I love King Cake.
Helen and I loved our king cake when we lived down there since it was a great excuse to eat a giant donut and kick off the party season, thanks for sharing this
Haha, I love your little illustration of the king cake- So cute!
Impressive post. You really did you research! They really aren't hard to make. You can even use a bread machine.
I made king cake cupcakes this week. They were so yummy!
Wow that first picture is so colorful :o). Mmmmm vegan king cake! Thanks for putting up the link!
wow i've had new orleans on the brain for a few days now. i went there to do hurricane relief work and i would like to go back so bad. maybe i'll have to make a king cake instead since i cannot afford to go back this year. ahnold said..I'll be back
Good hell...for once I am glad to be living in Nebraska. If I lived in New Orleans, I would truly be as fat as a pig because I ADORE cake and king cake sounds as if it would be right up my alley....
How wonderfully yummy!!!!
I've always been curious about how these things taste. Are they just over-the-top sweet?
Squee! I love king cake -- it's the only part of Mardi Gras that I enjoy! (Well, I guess the week of no school is nice too.) I was going to do a post on the history of the king cake, but this one is great so I may not bother.
Surcie, king cakes differ from bakery to bakery, and the best comparison I can make is to a cinnamon roll. The sweetness depends on how much icing is piled on and if you get any fillings. The most traditional New Orleans king cake isn't that sweet; it's just pastry and colored sugar, no icing -- but that's not very common anymore.
Oh, that first picture is to die for! It looks like a cluster of mardi gras doughnuts!
Thanks for considering the vegans with the link to the vegan King cake recipe - it is much appreciated and you are lovely! :)
I'm from Lousiana, so King Cake is part of life. When I moved away and lived in Phoenix for 10 years, my mom would have a king cake shipped from Gambino's every Mardi Gras. I trained my co-workers well.
I wonder if someone can invent a "Hurricane Cocktail Cupcake". With a vodka/lemon glaze for icing? Yum.