Memoirs of a Forbidden Cookie

It was a dull Monday, this past one. Until they arrived. None of us even saw them coming, until there they were, in an unassuming priority mail box from somewhere in Texas.
We opened the box, and there they were: the cookies of our dreams.
We were first drawn to these cookies via the seller's Etsy store, where the photo kind of made them look like a cross between a slab of cookie dough and a scoop of ice cream. Intriguing. A bag cost $12.99 for 8 cookies, and came to about $20 after shipping charges. Were they really worth it?
Resoundingly, yes. These cookies were somewhere between cookie dough and cookie, a wonderfully moist and dense cookie that had a wonderful "toothfeel": not so sweet as to make your teeth hurt, and with a gorgeously yielding texture. The cherry and chocolate chips were subtle but identifiable, and one of our spies actually closed their eyes while eating; they were that good.
The one downfall? When we emailed to inquire about featuring a photo from their Etsy site, we were told that they did not like to have their photos put up on blogs. Fair enough, we reasoned--so we took our own photo. But we wouldn't be so brash as to tell you that all you'd need to do to buy these cookies is go to a web site that has letters contained in the phrase Full Jasper but with no space, followed by
Because that would be giving away the forbidden secret.
Black Forest cherry cookies are available somewhere on the internet.

Reader Comments (19)
i love cookies..but so far in all my attempts to make one i never succeed in making something crunchy and yet moisty..well as you said it a dream cookies..better just order over the net :-)..hoping just that french post office are not on "strike" as they often do LOL
Oooh, those look tasty. So, it's pureed cherry? I was thinking dried cherries. Yum.
You are SOOOO right. These cookies are TO DIE FOR and I have spent a lot of my semi-hard earned money on multiple orders. The Blackforest are my favorite. WELL worth the money. I am hooked for life...or for as long as she continues to sell them! :)
Dhanggit: Yes, I have heard that the French do love to strike, don't they? I was in Paris last Jan. and there were three strikes in the 10 days I was there...that I know about! But oh, these cookies are good.
Geggie: There were a few flecks of dried cherry but I think it might have also had some puree, either that or the dried pieces just really infused the cookies. They're all gone now, so I can't taste again. Maybe time to order more though. :-)
Casey: YEA! I am so glad you've tried them too. I haven't tried the other flavors but they look freakin' good. Any other favorites?
Interesting that they don't want the free advertising.
Ooh, the creme brulee cookies look like they're right up my alley.
glad to hear that the cookies were worth it!! they're so intriguing-looking!!
LOVE the interview on cupcakestakethecake. I am going to write about it on allthingscupcake.
Too cute!
Drooling again. Your site is like Pavlov's bell and I am the dog. Drool drool, slobber.
I was just reading your blog for the first time (I came upon it from Cupcakestakethecake). Anyway, I saw that you have a link to Fred and I used to work at Fred. I designed the beer bands among other things. I love when the internet comes full circle like that. Love the blog!
i never seen that cookies before...
i had no idea you could order cookies from ETSY. wow. those look good.
thanks for coming by my blog and leaving such a kind comment!
oh lordy, I think the word "toothfeel" describes *everything* that's wonderful about cookies. And those cookies sound like everything that's wonderful about living. :O good find!
Mmm now I want to order some of those cookies!
Veggiegirl...we love these cookies. Like LOVE Them. But that cookie on your flickr're torn!
Tattooed Mama, you're so sweet!
Ello: You constantly validate what we do! Thanks! Or were you complaining? :-)
Mary Beth: No way! Fred is like, only our favoritest company EVER. Wait, are you an illustrator too?
Ti: Gosh, they're good. I wish I had a recipe!
Lisa: Yes! There are all sorts of awesome baked goods on should check it out! Just do a search!
Liz: I had just heard someone use the term "toothfeel" and said that as soon as possible I was going to use it actively. So here it is! Cheers to Toothfeel!
Eat Me, Delicious: Order some! But hide them all for yourself.
Okay, I'm going to have to do more research on this one.
Okay, I'm going to have to do more research on this one.
Now my question is - how can I make these cookies at home? The cost of shipping outside the USA and the time it would take for them to arrive means I would be looking at some very expensive and possibly moldy cookies! I haven't been able to find any recipes on the internet which would result in a finished product anything like the abovementioned cookies. Any thoughts Cakespy? Thx.
Anonymous--ALAS! no! I have no idea how this lady makes them. but they are GOOD!
One cookie that seems to have a similar texture (though not the same TASTE) is one for Armenian sugar cookies:
• 2 1/4 cups flour
• 1 3/4 cups sugar
• 1 cup softened butter [unsalted]
• 1 egg [yolk only]
• 1/2 cup finely chopped walnuts [optional]
•In a large bowl, beat together the butter, egg yolk and the sugar until smooth and almost white in color. Add flour and blend well. If you are using the nuts, this is the time to add them in. Shape into small rectangles about 3/4" by 1 1/2". Bake in a 250 degree oven on an UNGREASED cookie sheet. Cookies are done when the bottoms turn pink in color [35-45 mins.].
NOTE: A blanched almond or walnut half can be placed on top of the cookie before baking.
Thanks so much for the cookie recipe Cakespy - it's much appreciated! It goes without saying that would be grateful to hear from anyone out there who may have insight into the secrets of the recipe for the forbidden cookie. I hope you're out there!Thx.