Sweet Spot: Dessert Links!

Flossing is now officially awesome, thanks to Archie McPhee's cupcake floss. (Thanks Jill and Maika for the tip!)
Check out this gorgeous Starry Night-inspired cake!
Gummi Bear Battalion: whimsical and fun food art.
Vegan wasabi fudge? We're intrigued.
Serious Eats weighs in on the phenomenon of enticing food smells.
Avocado...pie? Who would have thought it would sound so good?
They're known for their King Cake, but Haydel also makes another sweet treat: Roman Chewing Candy.
It's certainly not cheap, but we were exited to find a place that will ship a Hummingbird Cake.
Kelly Confidential: a virtual bakesale for a cause.
Chet and Dot makes cute cake-shaped pincushions.
Reader Comments (1)
That is great that people are able to take the business loans and that opens up new chances.