Instant Pleasure: Pumpkin Cake in a Mug from Coffee Mug Cake Cookbook

I know what you're thinking after looking at this picture. "CakeSpy," you're thinking, shaking your head sympathetically, "has been hitting the vanilla extract a bit hard".
Well, maybe sometimes. But not this time--this cake, which might be a little ugly but is actually surprisingly tasty--was baked in the microwave, in a mug.
It was a sample recipe from the self-released book Coffee Mug Cake Cookbook which immediately intrigued me--after all--cake? Baked in the microwave? In a mug? I had to give this a try.
The recipe was very easy to follow; the cake itself came out with an unusual but not unpleasant texture, more like a sort of thick flan or custardy cake. To try and make it ever-so-slightly cuter I topped it with some confectioners' sugar quickly whisked with cream and a mellowcreme pumpkin. I am not going to forsake the oven, but in a pinch, this is definitely a sweet option for a quick sweet fix.
Curious about the book? It can be purchased here. Want to try the recipe? Here it is:
Pumpkin Cake in a Mug
- 7 tablespoons flour
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
- Dash of ginger, ground cloves and nutmeg
- 1 egg
- 2 tablespoons milk
- 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
- 1/4 cup canned pumpkin
- 3 tablespoons chopped pecans (optional) - I used walnuts

- Mix together the flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, ginger, ground cloves and nutmeg. Add egg, milk and vanilla. Mix well, making sure to scrape the sides and bottom of the mug. Stir in the pumpkin and pecans.
- Cook for 3 minutes on high on a microwavable plate, followed by 2 minutes at 50% power. Turn the mug upside down to release the cake onto the plate.

2. Make sure to use a microwaveable mug that is at least 15 ounces large (about 4.5 inches in height and 3 inches in
diameter). If you opt for something smaller, be prepared for massive spillage.
3. Coat the inside of the mug with a no-stick spray to ensure easy release.
4. Unless you have a mini whisk, forks work just as effectively.
5. The outside may be a bit “gooey-er” than the inside. The cook times listed are optimal for a 700-watt microwave and are the best for ensuring the cake is not too dry on the inside.
Reader Comments (13)
I checked out the link and right now she's offering a free recipe for Chocolate Peppermint Cake... I'm so excited! =)Thanks for posting this.
I love how you can make a cake in a delicious and simple :)I need that cookbook. Cake in a cup whenever I want thighs thank you:)
I've made the brownie cake in a mug, and didn't really care for it. However, this sounds pretty good.
this looks pretty awesome, i'm gunna have to try it!
Wait, you all knew about mug-cakes and never told me!? Shame on you! Well, not the ones who have never tried it :-)DreamSome: I'll bet that would be yum!Courteous: I would be curious to see how it stacks up. It really was a unique texture. Not necessarily cakelike, but not unpleasant.Hope you all enjoy!
um, well, now i know what i'm doing tonight after work...!
Yum! As for the texture, call it a British pudding, and you're all set. It looks delish to me.
This looks DELICIOUS. And easy, too! Thanks!
I've tried a similar chocolate mug cake, and I wasn't too impressed. Good when you need a quick fix, but nothing like a real cake! I may just have to try the pumpkin version, though.
I tried the chocolate mug cake recipe that was making the email rounds, with a few slight modifications in the method, totally worked for me!
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