Cake Byte: The Results of our Faceoff Giveaway!
Friday, April 25, 2008
At 12pm PST our Faceoff Cake Poll who wins the prize?
The big winner is Jeannine, an artist and cake enthusiast located in SE Virgina! Jeannine had some pretty strong feelings about our faceoff poll. Let's learn a bit more about her dessert preferences, shall we?
- She prefers muffins to scones
- Don't you dare put pineapple in her carrot cake!
- She would gladly swipe a spoon across all three flavors in the Neapolitan carton of ice cream
- She prefers Gelato to Panna Cotta
- Making cookies for her? Make 'em soft and gooey, please!
- When dining in a fancy restaurant she gravitates toward the Crème brûlée
- When choosing cupcakes, she'd choose vanilla over chocolate
- Cheese on Pie? She's not scared! Bring it on!
- On her shortcake, make it sponge cakey!
- And in the war between pie and cake? She's on Team Pie!
Thank you to all 215 (!) entrants in the poll. For those of you who didn't win this time, check back next month for another poll!
In the meantime, should you decide you can't live without Cakespy art, feel free to shop at or to email for custom orders!
Stay sweet!
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