Sweet Spot: Dessert Links!

They say it's the most wonderful time of the year, but we say it's the sweetest. Same difference, we suppose. Anyway, here are our favorite sweet links as of late:
Winter Wonderland: Bergdorf Goodman's chocolate castle is fanciful and sweet.
Stuck in a Gingerbread house rut? Get tips on building your dream house from Ginger Betty's Bakery.
Oscar-worthy: we'd never seen Kirsten Lepore's sweet film before Cakespy reader Allyn pointed it out, but we're so glad we found it. (Warning: video with sound plays when you click through)
Vegan Angel Food Cake: Is it really possible? The Mistress of Cakes says so.
Why we're going to move to Chicago one day: Cakespy's gotten so much Bake+Destroy love lately, it's sick. In a good way.
Cigare Afficionado: We love the dainty and delicious cigare cookies by Yoku Moku.
America Runs on Dunkin', but we'd rather have this cake by Destini than doughnuts any day (picture top).
In Chicago, The Meatloaf Bakery: It looks like rows of loaf cakes and cupcakes, but there's no sweet surprise here: they're all made of meatloaf. We're alternately intrigued, and tempted to throw up in our mouths, by this one. (Photo left)
Love Cream Puffs? Looking for a sweet investment opportunity? Beard Papa's is looking for franchisees domestically and abroad.
We have to admit, we're charmed by those cookies they give you at Doubletree Hotels. Little did we know, they're available by the tin at Christie Cookies.
Do you know the Muffin Man? Who cares, when you can get friendly with Marshmallow Men?
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