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Cruisin': Cake Cruise Leaves Soon!

It's easy to let cruise ships blend into the background in Seattle--they're always coming and going at the Pike Place Market. And why stop and take note? Without realizing it, you've dismissed them as bunch of overweight or down on their luck tourists going to Alaska.

Well, here's one cruise that will stop you in your tracks: Cake Cruise 2007, which lasts from September 2-9 and tours the Alaskan Coast. But even more important than the geography is the theme of the cruise, which is Cake. Including classes, demonstrations and keynote speakers Nicholas Lodge (sugarcrafter extraordinaire) and Collette Peters (of Collette's Cakes fame).

Act now and you might still get a spot: visit here.

Too short of notice? We feel your pain. Check out preliminary details for the next Cake Cruise as well as Cake Camp at cakecruise.com.

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