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Size Wars: The Ding3000 Cake Pan

When a cake is cut, there is no denying that certain personality types come forward. There's the "oh I couldn't possibly take a whole piece" contingent, who will undoubtedly go back for four "half" pieces. Of course, then there's the "give me the biggest piece" contingent. Hard to wiggle your way in between all these sliver-slicers and heavy hitters.

That is, until now. Ding 3000, a German design group, has come up with a brilliant solution: a silicon baking form molded in such a way that it pre-divides the cake into irregular slices, varying in both height and width. The pan, which is about 30cm in diameter, looks like a funky, cubist type bundt pan, and yields a cool-looking, geometric type cake. Although we imagine it might be a nightmare to frost (although perhaps heaven to eat, with all the extra frosting falling into the nooks and crannies), it looks very neat when dressed with a simple powdered-sugar topping, and is sure to satisfy any appetite.

Cutting the cake will never be the same.

To order online, visit designista.se. Cakespy Note: We went ahead and calculated the Swedish Krona-to-US Dollars for you, and it comes to about $70 USD after shipping.

To see other designs by Ding3000, visit ding3000.com.

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