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Sweet Surprise: A Letter from a CakeSpy Reader

North Hill Bakery Cake, C/O Michelle
Not long ago, a CakeSpy reader wrote to me asking for advice on where to get a layer cake for her grandmother's 90th birthday party in the Seattle area; being from out of town, she didn't even know where to begin.

Now, personally I always find making recommendations pretty stressful--what if the other person's taste isn't the same as mine? What if a place that has never let me down has an off day when this person goes? But nonetheless, I bravely suggested a few places, including a Capitol Hill-based bakery whose birthday cakes I've always enjoyed, North Hill Bakery. A few weeks later I received this sweet email; I'm always so happy to hear about such sweet cake experiences!
North Hill Bakery Cake, C/O Michelle

Dear CakeSpy:

Thank you so much for all your help finding a bakery for my
grandmother's 90th birthday party cakes.

I ordered a coconut and a lemon cake from North Hill Bakery.

The were lovely, homemade looking treats that tasted wonderful. The
cake was moist and full of flavor, the frostings were light and
creamy. Everyone's stand-out favorite was the coconut but the lemon
was delightful too -- sweet, tart and very light.

The folks at North Hill were really great, they let us pick up the
cakes before they opened on Sunday and we were able to talk them out
of several lovely pastries as well.

The cakes were so popular that long-time Seattle residents kept asking
where I'd gotten them and pledging to get their next event cakes from
North Hill Bakery.

All in all, the cakes were a hit, I came off like a family hero, and
none of it would have been possible with out some CakeSpy help.

Thanks again.


North Hill Bakery, 518 15th Avenue E, Seattle, WA (206) 325-9007; online at northhillbakery.com.

Ace in the Hole: A Sweet Breakfast Trompe-l'œil

Bagel with cream cheese...or is it?
The bad news: this is not a deliciously chock-full of carbohydrates bagel with cream cheese.

The good news: it's even better. It's a delicious doughnut filled with cream cheese frosting and topped with poppyseeds so as to resemble a deliciously chock-full of carbohydrates bagel with cream cheese.

Now, a variety of reasons for making these could be presented to you, but really, why bother? When breakfast treats collide this sweetly, the awesome speaks for itself.

Want to make some for your own breakfast table? Oh, it's easy, and they're so much fun to serve. Here's what you need to do.
Top Pot Doughnut
Breakfast "Bagels" Made From Doughnuts and Cream Cheese Frosting

  • Plain cake doughnuts (as many as you'd like); we picked up ours at Top Pot Doughnuts.
  • Vanilla or cream cheese frosting (about the same amount you'd use to top a cupcake for each doughnut; if you need a recipe, try this one or this one)
  • Poppyseeds (or sesame seeds would work too)
  • Butter (about a teaspoon-ful per doughnut)

  1. Slice doughnut in half (for some reason it seems to work easiest if you apply the poppyseeds after slicing)
  2. In a small microwave-safe dish, melt about 1 teaspoon-ful of butter per doughnut you'll be making by putting it in the microwave for about 10 seconds. 
  3. Lightly brush the top side with about a teaspoon of melted butter (oh, get over it--they're already fried, anyway)
  4. Immediately sprinkle poppyseeds on top of the buttered side (this will ensure that they stick) and put this half to the side for a moment.
  5. Apply a generous dollop of room-temperature frosting to the bottom (sans seed) half of the doughnut. It is important that the frosting be room temperature because if it is chilled, when you try to spread it you may break the doughnut apart. Gently spread.
  6. Put the poppyseed-laden piece on top.
  7. Enjoy (coffee works nicely at this point, too).
Bagel and Cream Cheese

We Must Increase Our Crust: A High 5 Cutie Pie Feature on DailyCandy

Cutie Pie from High 5 Pies
When I met High 5 Pies, the brainchild of Dani Cone (aka owner of Fuel Coffee) it was most certainly a case of love at first bite. Not only is their crust just how I like it: thick, lightly flaky, and very buttery, but their presentation is wickedly clever and cute.

Pie in a Jar, High 5 Pie
Take for instance their PieJars--pies baked right into a mason jar, which you can then heat and serve directly. It's a perfect gift, and no awkward conversations later about "Hey, can I get my pie plate back?".

My article for DailyCandy on Cutie Pies!
But their newest addition, Cutie Pies--mini pies baked in muffin tins--(which I just wrote a story about for DailyCandy)--will have you reeling from the cuteness. The fillings range from classics, like apple with a delicious crumb topping to unusual but surprisingly delicious combinations like peach, blueberry and clove. And as an added bonus, the high crust-to-filling ratio is tailor-made for crust enthusiasts like me who don't like it when pies are too fruity and virtuous-tasting.
Apple Hand Pies by High 5 Pie, Fuel Coffee
Of course, they've also got regular pies and sweet little hand pies on their menu too; check it out at high5pie.com. The pies are currently available exclusively at Fuel Coffee locations. For more information on the Cutie Pies, read the article I wrote for DailyCandy Seattle!

Hot Dogs for Dessert at Snacks! in Ballard, Seattle

When CakeSpy buddy Megan tipped us off about Snacks!, a new bodega in Ballard opened by Dante (of Dante's Inferno hot dog cart fame), we knew we had to hit it up. But why would Cake Gumshoes want to check out a bodega in an alley behind a bar, you ask?

Three words: Sweet. Hot. Dogs. 

No, seriously. Per myballard.com, Dante has "created a 'Chilly Dog' that is a hot dog bun with soft serve ice cream, his idea of an ice cream sandwich (served with a spork.)" OK, so there's not an actual hot dog in it. But still, it's a fun idea...sort of like a choco taco, but with a hot dog bun instead of a chocolate tortilla.

Naturally, we had to head over immediately upon hearing Megan's suggestion. Unfortunately they'd already closed for the night, but they were kind enough to invite us in for a look and even gave us some soft-serve ice cream, which they have in vanilla, chocolate and a combo swirl--sure, it was no Chilly dog, but it sure was delicious.

Welcome to the neighborhood, Snacks! Can't wait to try more of your sweet offerings.

For more information, read the entry on myballard.com.

Sweet Talk with Anne-Marie of SoapQueenTV!

Cupcake Bath Bombs!
If you don't think soap is totally sweet, you've clearly never come across Anne-Marie Faiola. Anne-Marie is not only the owner of Bramble Berry (the premier soapmaking supply company) and the host of the brand new online soapmaking tutorial show SoapQueenTV--but she's one of the most dedicated dessert-lovers we've ever come across. And happily, her love of sweets comes across in everything she does--from tutorials on how to make soaps that smell like your favorite dessert using fragrance oils to embedding objects (like a cupcake figurine perhaps?) in your soap to even an upcoming episode on candy-themed soaps!

But how else do sugary treats figure into the SoapQueen's life? Here are some of the sweet products, crafts and delicious cakes that inspire Anne-Marie; you might just make some sweet discoveries of your own!

CupcakeSocial is an entire Etsy shop dedicated to just cupcakes - cupcake liners, toppings and more. Take your cupcake making to the whole next level!

The Dieline blog inspires me every day with their picks for best design in everything. This one caught my eye because it was 100% sweet and 100% good design. The perfect marriage.

Cupcake Royale: Seattle is lucky they have the talented Cupcake Royale in their backyard. Anytime I'm even close to Seattle, I go to Cupcake Royale for a glass of milk and my favorite cupcake of all time, Salted Caramel.

A Field Journal: Inspiration for a perfectly sweet birthday party, in an indie sort of way.

Chronicle Books: I love Chronicle Books and was especially excited to see that they carry all sorts of cupcake products, including a cupcake kit, adorable confection-ery labels, and The Cupcake Deck!

100 Layer Cake does features on crafting your wedding, layer by layer with a DIY Spa Day!

The Fancy Flours blog is one of my favorite blogs because it's so beautifully photographed and always inspirational.

SoapyLove is one of the most creative melt and pour soapmakers to hit the 'net and she inspires me with her sweet confectionary soaps (like this and this). Don't they look real?

Bath Bomb Cupcakes: The craft that was spawned from my cupcake addiction! (here's the blog entry on it too!)
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