Sweet Surprise: A Letter from a CakeSpy Reader

Not long ago, a CakeSpy reader wrote to me asking for advice on where to get a layer cake for her grandmother's 90th birthday party in the Seattle area; being from out of town, she didn't even know where to begin.
Now, personally I always find making recommendations pretty stressful--what if the other person's taste isn't the same as mine? What if a place that has never let me down has an off day when this person goes? But nonetheless, I bravely suggested a few places, including a Capitol Hill-based bakery whose birthday cakes I've always enjoyed, North Hill Bakery. A few weeks later I received this sweet email; I'm always so happy to hear about such sweet cake experiences!

Dear CakeSpy:
Thank you so much for all your help finding a bakery for my
grandmother's 90th birthday party cakes.
I ordered a coconut and a lemon cake from North Hill Bakery.
The were lovely, homemade looking treats that tasted wonderful. The
cake was moist and full of flavor, the frostings were light and
creamy. Everyone's stand-out favorite was the coconut but the lemon
was delightful too -- sweet, tart and very light.
The folks at North Hill were really great, they let us pick up the
cakes before they opened on Sunday and we were able to talk them out
of several lovely pastries as well.
The cakes were so popular that long-time Seattle residents kept asking
where I'd gotten them and pledging to get their next event cakes from
North Hill Bakery.
All in all, the cakes were a hit, I came off like a family hero, and
none of it would have been possible with out some CakeSpy help.
Thanks again.
North Hill Bakery, 518 15th Avenue E, Seattle, WA (206) 325-9007; online at