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Cake Byte: September Sweetness at Trophy Cupcakes!

What's new at Trophy Cupcakes in September? Here's the scoop on their newest flavor:

Blueberry Pie! Our Vanilla Buttercake with a buttery pie crust on the bottom...then filled with housemade organic blueberry pie filling and topped with Vanilla Bean Buttercream...whoa! Available Wednesdays and Saturdays.

But that's not the only reason to visit Trophy Cupcakes this month: they also have a wonderful new art show by talented photographer Elizabeth Soule (example shown left)! The show will be up through September in their Wallingford location.

What are you waiting for? Get yourself over to one of the Trophy Cupcakes locations! For more information, stay connected with Trophy via their site, their Facebook page, or their Twitter feed.

Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links!

9.1.09 Links of the week!
Just a small collection of sweet things that are consuming the CakeSpy collective consciousness this week:

Circus Animal Cookie Magnets by Cherry Dot!

Sweet cupcake pendants in a rainbow of colors, via Bmoresweet

Stuffed Artisan Cannolis slated to open this fall in NYC!

Gooey Butter Cake...or Neiman Marcus Bars? Sasha Says investigates.

Common Object Jewelry has sweet jewelry cast from gummi bears (image above) and chocolate chips!

Caipirinha Truffles via The Cookie Shop? Oh yes! (image above)

It's Biscuit Time: Sticky Apple Butter Biscuits via The Knead for Bread.

Cookies? Cocktails? How 'bout both...at the same time? via Edible Crafts (image above).

Seriously...is Magnolia Bakery taking over the world?

Jess Thomson presents a cake that is easy to bake and perfect for breakfast.

Strawberry Bavarois With Chocolate Pashmak. I don't even know what it is, but it sounds ridiculously good!

All things awesome unite, sweetly, when Savory Sweet Life guest blogs about cupcakes on the Al Dente Blog.

If you missed my Serious Eats entry on Cupcake Milkshakes inspired by CupShakes, well, here's your reminder to check it out.

Rice Krispie treats with a special surprise: they're filled with ice cream!

Sweet September: Cupcake Royale Debuts the Blue Mountain Huckleberry Cupcake!

Photo c/o Cupcake Royale: Blue Mountain Huckleberry Cupcakes
September is certainly off to a sweet start: just check out the new flavor of the month at Cupcake Royale! Here's the 411:

We teamed up with the good people over at Foraged & Found to bring you a cupcake bursting with wild huckleberry goodness! Our delicious vanilla buttercake is loaded with the little gems, and we top the whole thing off with a perfectly tart huckleberry buttercream. It doesn't get any fresher than this folks. Straight from the forest and into the oven!

To obtain one of these cupcakes, you can visit any of the four Cupcake Royale locations all September long; for more information, visit cupcakeroyale.com; for instant updates, follow them on Twitter!

Sweet Spot: Cakes by One Tough Cookie in NYC

Engagement cake by One Tough CookieCupcake by One Tough Cookie
Are you in NYC and in need of a super sweet special occasion cake? Or cupcakes or cookies, for that matter?

Well, according to CakeSpy reader Marie, One Tough Cookie, an NYC-based special order bakery, is the spot. Here's what she had to say:

My fiance Gabriel and I were hosting an engagement party in the Hamptons for our friends and family; being an absolute cake and cookie addict I had to get myself a perfect engagement cake. That's when I discovered OneToughCookie (a friend told me about her), who creates delicious, custom made cakes which she decorates with cookies - real works of art!

I just want to spread the word about her, because by creating my engagement cake she contributed to a perfect day in my life and I will definitely ask her to bake my wedding cake as well (the wedding will be next may...)! I thought you might be interested in her since her cakes are really unique and so tasty...I am absolutely amazed by her work and the cake was a dream!

Based on the pictures, it looks like a great find! For more information, visit onetoughcookienyc.com (warning: music plays upon opening the page).

Love Me Tender, Love Me Sweet: Elvis's Banana Pudding

Elvis's Banana Pudding
When it comes to Elvis and food, undoubtedly you're going to think of his famous favorite sandwich, comprised of peanut butter, fried bacon, banana, and (depending on who you ask) honey, all nestled between slices of white bread and prepared in a griddle, grilled cheese style.

I know. With a dish like that associated with your name, you practically don't need to do anything else in life.

But Elvis did.
Elvis's Banana Pudding
Not only did he give us a plethora of musical hits and aforementioned sandwich, but as part of his legacy he also gave us an intensely creamy, meringue-topped banana pudding. Apparently, it was part of the Graceland doctrine that a batch this pudding be prepared nightly; as rumor has it, the King would mash up various pills in it (although if they were a pick-me-up or come-down, I don't know). Of course, I learned this all from the best possible source: a postcard from Graceland from one of my oldest friends.
Elvis PuddingPostcard about Elvis Pudding

A banana pudding so craveable immediately had me intrigued, and of course I made up a batch right away. I cut the original recipe in half and omitted the meringue topping (the egg whites can be frozen for later use); it seemed to work out fine, and yielded an unbelievably creamy and rich pudding. While I think I still prefer the Magnolia Bakery banana pudding, this one definitely wins points for its rich history and taste.

Elvis's Banana Pudding (With Some Liberties Taken)
  • 2 large (or three small) ripe bananas
  • 4 eggs, separated
  • 1 1/4 cups sugar
  • 1/8 lb butter
  • 3 cups milk
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • About half a box of Nilla Wafers

1. In a large saucepan, mix together the milk, egg yolks, sugar, cornstarch and butter and cook over medium heat until mixture thickens (for me, this was about 25 minutes--but you've got to be watching it the whole time). Add vanilla.
Elvis's Banana PuddingElvis's Banana Pudding
2. In a medium (9x13 inch) pyrex pan or similarly sized baking pan, layer the bananas and wafers.
3. Pour the pudding over the bananas and wafers.
4. If you want to add the meringue topping: beat the egg whites with 4 tablespoons sugar until soft peaks form. Cover the pudding with the meringue.
5. With or without meringue, bake for 15 minutes in a preheated 350 degree oven.
* As a serving note, it's lovely served in a parfait glass with a thick dollop of whipped cream.
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