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1.22.09: Baked Good of the Day: Pistachio Cream Puff from Gelatiamo

Pistachio cream puff, Gelatiamo, Downtown
When it comes to cream puffs, I like mine a little bit more dense--that is to say, full of cream filling and generously iced. The delicate ones that have a mere dollop of filling have never been my cup of tea.

I was thrilled to find that Gelatiamo does cream puffs just the way I like them: a delicate pastry filled with luxuriously thick cream, and topped with sweet icing. The pistachio cream puff was subtle and didn't overwhelm; however, I liked the fact that it didn't have the typical chocolate icing ; also, the slight crunch from pistachio bits on top didn't hurt. And in keeping with the "small bite" trend, these cream puffs aren't huge, so are a perfect portion for after lunch or dinner.

Pistachio cream puff, Gelatiamo downtown.

Gelatiamo on Urbanspoon

Taking it to the Sweet: A Cupcake Street Art Installation

Taking it to the Sweet
Sometimes life sucks. We're talking about the little things that can wear on you in a big way: long commutes; waiting in line; dealing with rude people; being broke.

It was with these stressors in mind that we dreamed up an installation project small in scope but big in touchy-feeliness: we made a batch of fake cupcakes with uplifting phrases attached, and placed them throughout our neighborhood. 

Told you it was touchy-feely.

Here's what we did:

First, we made up a batch of faux cupcakes using plaster of paris. (Cakespy Note: If doing it again we might not use the silicone baking cups though, because they have a built-in fill line which showed up in our finished cakes.)
Fake CakesFake Cakes
Making Fake FrostingFake Cakes

Then we attached little flags to each, with cute sayings.Sweet Sentiments

Then came the fun part: we let 'em loose around town. Here are some of the highlights:

Park Bench cake
A park bench got a whole lot sweeter with a cupcake that said "You're super sweet";

People Like You. Really.
On top of a "No Parking" sign, a cupcake declared "People like you. Really";

Remain Calm.
Atop some foliage, stressed passersby are reminded to "Remain Calm";

Eat More Cake!
Perched atop a hydrant, one cupcake urges you to "Eat More Cake";

On someone's garden patio, there's a reminder to "Relax!";

Have a very sweet day!
At a bus stop, weary travelers are told to "Have a very sweet day!";

Stay Cute!
Smokers may want to be cool, but this cupcake urges them to "Stay Cute!";

You Deserve a treat.
On an entryway, one cupcake reminds that "You deserve a treat";

The Economy is gonna be OK.
And finally, an ATM got a whimsical upgrade with a cupcake bearing the saying "The economy will be OK".

But on to the big question: Why?

Well, it's not too complicated. You know that we're strange little darlings, we spies. We liked the idea that the novelty of finding such an unusual art object in an unexpected spot might give viewer pause. Perhaps coming across one of these little cupcakes it made them smile, or maybe it annoyed them as a piece of rubbish. Maybe it made them scratch their head and wonder why. But in any instance, the ultimate goal was a repreive--a momentary escape from everyday worries, and a small reminder that yes, life can be strange--but sometimes sweet.

What happened to the cupcakes? Beats us, though if you live in Seattle, you might just find a sweet surprise where you least expect it.

Sweet Spot: Dessert Links!

Itzy Bitzy Patisserie design
Mac Attack: Itzy Bitzy Patisserie not only has a sweet logo (see above)--they've got supersweet macarons! If you're in the NYC area, they're available via special order or at Tafu on Lexington Ave.

Does a blog help your baking business? Read one business owner's thoughts here.

Hungary or Bust--this place looks amazing! (thanks for the tip, Deb at Soapylove!)

We think we're in love with Sucre in New Orleans. (via Chocolate Pizza Stiletto Love)

Cupcakes take over Seattle--both Cupcake Royale and Trophy Cupcakes are opening new locations! (via Seattle P-I)

Are you an artist who loves to bake in NYC? You've got to apply for the Sweet Tooth of the Tiger's awesome Bakesale Residency program!

These Teddy Bear Cupcakes are so cute, you'll wish it was your first birthday again.

Looking for a mail-order layer cake? Multiple flavors are available to ship at Midway Country Corner.

Build your own customized cakes using this modular alphabet-number cake pan. (via Serious Eats)

Our friend Judi Hendricks' new book is coming out February 10th--her novels always prominently feature delicious food!

1.21.09 Baked Good of the Day: Vegan Russian Teacakes from PCC

Vegan Russian Teacake
I love these cookies. Whether they're called snowballs, Mexican Wedding Cakes, Armenian sugar cookies or whatever--I love them.

I found this variation--the vegan Russian Teacake--at PCC. I can't be sure, but it *might* be from Flying Apron. It was a crumbly and slightly messy cookie, but the sandy, sugary, nutty taste was pure deliciousness. With a touch of salt (so important to sweets!) it was nicely balanced; in fact, I liked this cookie so much I went back for a second one. As for the vegan aspect, to be honest, if it hadn't been labeled as such, I probably would not have known that it lacked dairy; certainly there was nothing lost flavorwise.

Vegan Russian Teacake from PCC in Fremont.

Cakewalk Special: Baltimore Picks from B More Sweet

Cupcakes from Perfect Cupcakes, c/o Bmoresweet

Cakespy Note: This is a guest post from Cake Gumshoe B More Sweet, Baltimore's authority on all things sweet!

Oh, Baltimore, that rascal of a city. While some may be deterred by its abnormally high murder rate, please, don't pass Charm City by--because it really does have a certain je ne sais quoi--among other things, it is the home of John Waters, the birthplace of the Berger Cookie, final resting place of Edgar Allan Poe, and of course, home to so many wonderful bakeries. Recently our buddy and Baltimore sweets afficionado friend, Cake Gumshoe B More Sweet put together of her Baltimore picks for us: 

(unless otherwise noted, all photos c/o B More Sweet)

  strawberry/vanilla & chocolate/chocolate cupcake
(photo of Warren Brown cupcakes--from the DC location, but you get the idea-- c/o How to Eat a Cupcake)
Cake Love: Fabulous, with the stupendous Warren Brown at the helm. What's not to love about a former Justice Dept attorney gone renegade baker who got his own TV show? A cool, hip, retro vibe in this sleek store selling old-fashioned cakes and cupcakes as well as vegan treats. Here they're all about the taste - no overwrought hyperventilating decoration goes on at Cake Love. Online at cakelove.com.

Charm City Cakes: Duff Goldman of Food TV Network's Ace of Cakes holdeth forth here. It's not a bakery you can walk into, but makes special-event and cakes for occasions. However, Duff and his crew are SO FANTASTIC that I'm sure with prior arrangements you can get yerselves in there. Duff's cakes are awesome. Online at charmcitycakes.com.

as for a cupcake interlude...

Charm City Cupcakes: This is a girlie girlie pink store (think Lily Pulitzer) selling extremely sweet, frosting-laden cupcakes in a variety of rotating flavors. Online at charmcitycupcakes.com.

Perfect Cupcakes, c/o Bmoresweet
Perfect Cupcakes: Catherine Hamilton brings her adorable mobile bakery truck operation to Baltimore's Inner Harbor, where in warm-enough weather she sells delicious cupcakes with beautiful minimalist designs (see top photo). Online at perfectcupcakes.com.

getting Frenchy...

Patisserie Poupon: For a decadent, TOTALLY awesome traditional French bakery, you can't skip the venerable Patisserie Poupon. How traditional are they? NO REAL WEBSITE! Located at 820 E Baltimore Street, in a kind of iffy, fringe-y location. In other words, authentic. For my money, this is the best patisserie in Baltimore. But go early - the best goodies sell out tres vite. Click here for more info.

Bonaparte Bread, C/O bmoresweet
Bonaparte Breads: My heart belongs (also, because I am fickle) to Bonaparte Breads, 903 S. Ann Street, in Fell's Point (itself a fun, funky neighborhood full of bars.) This gleaming little spot is a definite go-to for croissants, plain or flavored. You won't find cupcakes here, but instead all manner of butter-laden French pastries and warming, delicious breads. Click here for more info.

what about Italian treats? 
Vaccaro's, c/o Bmoresweet
Vaccaro's Pastry: We are blessed with fantastic Italian bakeries. "Even though it's famous, it's still great" should be the motto for Vaccaro's, with several locations around the city. My favorite is in Canton (yet another hip, trendy neighborhood!) This is the spot for cannoli, Italian cookies, and homemade gelato. Online at vaccarospastry.com.

Piedigrotta Bakery, Baltimore, Photo c/o Bmoresweet
Piedigrotta Bakery: Less famous but equally delicious is Piedigrotta, which is conveniently located next to the hippest bowling alley in Baltimore. And my favorite thing about Piedigrotta is that the baker will waste no time in telling you that he is THE originator of tiramisu. Throughout the history of the world, this baker is the originator of tiramisu. Just ask him! Online at piedigrottabakery.com.

And for candies, confections and chocolates? 

Louis J Rheb Creams
(photo c/o rhebcandy.com)
Louis J. Rheb: The unparallelled un-toppable Louis J. Rheb Company, where they still make all the chocolates by hand, don't do any foo-fooey crap, and where the Lucy and Ethel candy factory scene was actually shot! They still make everything in the basement at 3352 Wilkens Avenue. You will never eat a chocolate buttercream from anywhere else in the WORLD, including Switzerland, once you've eaten a Rheb's chocolate buttercream. Online at rhebcandy.com.

Cacao Lorenzo
Cacao Lorenzo Chocolatier: I can't overlook Cacao Lorenzo Chocolatier, where the brilliant Larry McGlinchey creates the most elegant, lyrical, amazing chocolates anywhere. Cacao Lorenzo is a small boutique, impeccably clean, and the candies are just stunning. It's not inside Baltimore City proper, but it's in the Baltimore suburbs, and for a chocolate candy lover, well worth the short car ride to get there. Online at cacaolorenzo.com.

Saving the best for last...

Dangerously Delicious Pie box, c/o BmoresweetPie from Dangerously Delicious, photo c/o Dangerouspies.com
***Dangerously Delicious Pies: If you were to be given an option only to go to one sweet spot in Baltimore, I'd steer you to Dangerously Delicious Pies, where Rodney Henry makes a pie crust to bring you to your knees. The original Dangerously Delicious is located in trendy Federal Hill, and the tatted rockstar former Marine Rodney holds forth behind the counter of this bright red establishment on all things pie, whether sweet or savory. Dangerously Delicious has a second outpost in equally-hip Hampden, where the restaurant is called Dangerously Delicious Savory House and if you're lucky Rodney's rock band might be playing. I will never make pie again, after eating Dangerously Delicious. At our house we are always looking for an excuse to buy a DD pie. Online at dangerouspies.com.

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