Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links!

Stand by for some sweet TV: the Food Network debuts Last Cake Standing, a show in which only the sweetest survive, on April 5. (picture of contestant Elisa Strauss of Confetti Cakes, above)
11:11 makes totally sweet cake and baked good-themed checkbook and passport covers, notebooks and yes--even condom holders.
Have you kept up to date with the fantastic adventures that our friend Bakerella recently had with Ree of The Pioneer Woman Cooks?
NY Cupcakes in Bellevue is under new ownership--we hear the cakes have improved too!
They fly through the air with the greatest of ease: Portland's Saint Cupcake is now shipping customizable cupcake kits.
Boston's Taste Coffee House shares their recipe for a creamy & rich Affogato Shake.
Indian Curry and Pistachio brittle? You had us at hello, Morning Glory Confections.
Curio Confections is opening soon in Seattle--just look at their tantalizing menu!
CakeSpy reader Kathy has made us obsessed with cotton candy cupcakes--has anyone ever tried them (or does anyone have a recipe to share)?
Hoosier Mama has an awesome name and awesome looking pies in Chicago.
In Seattle, Immortal Dog proves that dogs deserve delicious cookies too.
S&M meets sugar, with a spikey torture dessert pedestal by LASdesigns.
Don't forget: learn about the sweeter side of business at the upcoming CRAVEbusiness SHOP Symposium this Sunday!