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Sweet Art: Just Donut

Just Donut.
No doubt about it, life can be hard. But when the going gets tough, here's to hoping you can rise above any obstacle like a yeast-based dough in the oven--that is to say, Just Donut.

This slightly tongue in cheek inspirational message has been brought to you by CakeSpy.

Stick It: Amazing Pie Lollipops by Luxirare

A Discovery on Luxirare
(Photo via Luxirare)
Are you still eating your pie with a knife and fork, like a jerk?

Time to get with the program: discover Luxirare's Pie Lollipops.

When I recently came across these Pie Lollipops, it made me want to cry. Why so? First, because I hadn't thought of it myself. Second, because I can't believe I've lived so long without them.

These Pie Lollipops are bite-sized morsels of pie in various flavors, with crinkled edges to hold in the delicious fillings. They work on just so many levels: they capitalize on the fact that small things are adorable and desire-inducing; their small, accessible size makes it possible to sample a few bites of multiple flavors without feeling immense regret afterward; and, they just fuel my deep belief that food simply tastes better on a stick.

To see the step-by-step tutorial, visit luxirare.com.


Cake Byte: Come Hang Out with CakeSpy at the Urban Craft Uprising!

That's not cool: it's COLD.
Seattle's hot this week. Like, literally. But you can cool down and stay sweet this weekend by coming to hang out with CakeSpy at Seattle's largest indie craft fair, the Urban Craft Uprising!

Anyone who has ever attended the winter show knows just how much cool stuff is on show at this fair, so it's very exciting that they are now hosting an event in the summer, too! Plus, you can stock up on some sweet CakeSpy gear--there will be plenty of new original paintings, new unicorn-cupcake-rainbow tees, stationery (including cupcake-bacon notecards, zombie-cupcake notecards, and more!), bookmarks, and so much more. Plus, I usually bring cookies. Cookies!
Cuppie loves the Sounders!
Please say you'll come visit.

Here are the details:

Saturday and Sunday, August 1 and 2
11 a.m. - 5 p.m. both days
Seattle Center Exhibition Hall (entrance on Mercer Street)

For more information, directions, or to check out the awesome vendor list, visit urbancraftuprising.com.

Sweet Art: Much Ado About Muffin

Much Ado About Muffin
Muffin's soaking up some attention on the red target today! Did he just release a hit single? Star in a popular tv show? Or maybe it's just a breakfast renaissance? In any case, it looks like everything's coming up Muffin!

Just a little sweet word-play to start the day.

Sweet Art: Idle for Illustration Friday

It's no Idle Threat!
Picture this: Cuppie throws a really sweet soiree that has all of the other baked goods buzzing. But it looks like another pint-sized cake feels like Cuppie is invading its territory! And so, for this week's Illustration Friday theme of Idle, I present the inevitable faceoff: and based on the weapons of shankery and destruction they're toting, I'd say this is no idle threat.
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