Art Portfolio > My books and other work in print
CakeSpy Presents Sweet Treats for a Sugar-Filled Life
Book cover: CakeSpy Presents Sweet Treats for a Sugar-Filled Life
CakeSpy Presents Sweet treats for a Sugar-Filled Life
Inside pages from CakeSpy Presents Sweet Treats for a Sugar-Filled Life
CakeSpy Presents Sweet treats for a Sugar-Filled Life
Inside pages from CakeSpy Presents Sweet Treats for a Sugar-Filled Life
CakeSpy Presents Sweet Treats for a Sugar-Filled Life
Inside pages from CakeSpy Presents Sweet Treats for a Sugar-Filled Life
. Note the unicorn.
CakeSpy Presents Sweet Treats for a Sugar-Filled Life
Inside pages from CakeSpy Presents Sweet Treats for a Sugar-Filled Life
. Care for a cone cake, anyone?
The Secret Lives of Baked Goods
Book cover for The Secret Lives of Baked Goods.
End pages, The Secret Lives of Baked Goods
The decorative end pages from The Secret Lives of Baked Goods.
The Secret Lives of Baked Goods
Inside pages from The Secret Lives of Baked Goods.
The Secret Lives of Baked Goods
Inside page: side bar from The Secret Lives of Baked Goods.
The Secret Lives of Baked Goods
A page spread from The Secret Lives of Baked Goods. Includes one of my spot illustrations.
Back cover, The Secret Lives of Baked Goods
The back cover of The Secret Lives of Baked Goods.
The Secret Lives of Baked Goods
An inside page with spot illustration from The Secret Lives of Baked Goods.
Inside title page, The Secret Lives of Baked Goods
The inner title page from The Secret Lives of Baked Goods.
Inside pages, The Secret Lives of Baked Goods
Inside page spread from The Secret Lives of Baked Goods.
Inside pages, The Secret Lives of Baked Goods
Inside page with spot illustration from The Secret Lives of Baked Goods.
Taste of Home
I am a regular contributor to Taste of Home magazine, with spot illustrations and coloring book pages.
Cover for Cake Central Magazine
A cover design, the magazine's first ever illustrated cover.