Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links
Friday, March 13, 2015
Cakespy in links, links

Frog Cupcakes, Whats for Dessert, Spring Lake Heights NJ

The curious case of the St. Patrick's day frog cupcakes. (CakeSpy archives)

Easy (and super delicious-looking) coconut ice cream. (Bonjour Sucre)

Hold on to your recipes! Don't let the "cruffin" theft befall your recipe collection. (Seattle Times)

Batik painting on paper. Not cake, still sweet. (Craftsy)

The long history of food--and celebrity chefs. (Newsweek)

Crepe cake!! It's awesome and beautiful. (Matea Milojkovic

I need one of these unicorn bowls. (Uncommon Goods) - via reader Dini!

SO dignified! Salted chocolate dipped orange and grapefruit slices. (Mayhem in the Kitchen)

The history of Alabama barbecue is deeply tied to civil rights and politics. (

Just take a gander at this thick, beautiful homemade hot chocolate. (Molly Mell)

Tips for making fluffy vegan cakes and muffins. (One Green Planet)

Think you know a thing or two about buttercream? Test your knowledge with this fun quiz. (Craftsy)

In case you missed it: Snickers Cheesecake. (CakeSpy)

Book of the week: Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child. It's famous. You've heard of it. You saw the movie. But have you looked through it? It's a true treasure, and a volume that everyone should own...even if they only ever look at, and never make, the aspic recipes. 

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (
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