Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links!
Friday, April 26, 2013
Cakespy in links, links

Bountiful, Los Angeles

I saw all of these great cake plates at Bountiful in Venice, CA.

The best article ever about the "bursting of the cupcake bubble".

Love love love love love: Thiebaud Pink Cake.

Buckeye state ice cream!

Learn the fascinating story of Chiffon cake!

I basically despise flan, but this one looks likeable.

Whipped caramel ganache frosting. Be still my beating heart!

A good list of baking basics tips.

Remember when I went to Retro Bakery in Las Vegas? Yum yum.

I love what Joy the Baker loves: doughnuts with pink feather boas.

10 best doughnuts in Los Angeles? 

C'est fantastique: pink lemonade layer cake!

Always tasty: Elvis Whoopie Pies.

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (
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