I don't know if she remembers it, but I met the owner of Butter, a bakery in Vancouver, in a very sweet way. I was the "artist of the month" at Seattle knitting shop Hilltop Yarn--that makes sense if you consider the fact that I do artwork like this:
So, said owner happens to be in Seattle that day and happens to walk in. We get to talking, given our mutual interest in sweets, and forever and ever on since then I've taken a deep interest in the goings-on at Butter. So I was so delighted when they came out with their great book, Butter Baked Goods: Nostalgic Recipes From a Little Neighborhood Bakery. I've already shared with you their marshmallow recipe, and now it's time to make it count, because you're about to get a new recipe that uses those marshmallows. But this is even better, because they are paired with cereal, chocolate, and sugar sugar sugar. Here's the 411 on Grenades:
This is a treat my young friend Kate introduced me to. The original version used Kraft marshmallows and melted Mackintosh’s Toffee, and it really was delicious. Our Butter version has a few more steps involved, but I think the end result is worth the effort. We had great fun coming up with different riffs on the classic combination. To date my favorite is a banana marshmallow rolled in peanut butter and Rice Krispies, then dipped in milk chocolate—proving once again that you are only ever limited by your imagination.
MAKES: About 24 to 30 grenades
YOU WILL NEED: candy thermometer, cookie sheet lined with parchment paper
BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Prepare a batch of Butter’s Famous Marshmallows. You only need half the batch so will have lots left over.
From Butter Baked Goods: Nostalgic Recipes From a Little Neighborhood Bakery