Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links!
Friday, November 22, 2013
Cakespy in links, links

Buche de Thanksgiving

Buche de Thanksgiving.

Delicious primer: types of flour for baking.

America's 50 best bakeries.

Chocolate...chip...cookie...marshmallows? I am still fascinated.

I care about your Thanksgiving bread basket. So I created this post on how to make it awesomer.

I googled "Eggnog Pop-Tarts" to see if such a thing existed, and I found this. YES!

Cakes for adults only: Cakes Under the Influence.

I want to eat: gingerbread doughnuts with gingersnap icing.

What went wrong with my cake? Some possible answers.

Oatmeal cookies with cutouts that reveal a tasty pumpkin interior. Love it!

Cookies with candy cane stripes: yum!

Raspberry croissant bread pudding! Bring it on! 

How to handle nuts better. IN BAKING I MEAN.

Looking at the above, I then couldn't stop from googling "Eggnog marshmallow recipe" and found this. YES YES! 

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (
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