Cute Food Tutorial: Summery Cupcakes and Cookie Unicorns
Monday, August 13, 2012
Cakespy in tutorial

Hi all! Norene Cox here from Party Pinching. I'm so excited to be guest blogging for CakeSpy
because I am such a big fan! I’m a lover of cupcakes, photography, writing, beagles & all things
chocolate. I started my website because my kids are growing up (they do that you know) and I
missed being a room mom. I love blogging about all of my fun snacks and party ideas. Today
I’m sharing some fun summer treats that are super easy to make with store-bought candy and

Oh, and they’re cute. ‘Cause I’m all about cute food…

These tropical drink cupcake toppers are made from malted milk balls.

Just slice off the top, and with a little melted white chocolate, attach a little piece of licorice lace and some flower sprinkles. Ta-da! You've got yourself a mini coconut drink. Stick in a paper drink umbrella and you have one festive little cupcake- perfect for a luau party!

Mixing coconut or crushed malted milk balls in the batter is pretty yummy too. Heck, you can even add both.

Another super cute summer cupcake topper idea is to take Pez candy and add a little flower sprinkle on one end. Now you have teeny tiny flip flops. Can you imagine anything cuter? Oh, but wait! There’s more cuteness coming…

Behold! A unicorn cookie - the epitome of cuteness.

This little magical sweetie is good for any time of year. It’s made out of a Pepperidge Farm Milano cookie dipped in white candy melts. Simply add some candy eyes and a small marshmallow cut diagonally for the ears. Use an edible black marker to draw the nose on a white candy melt. Then cut the mane out of blue fondant using a mini daisy cutter. Carefully cut the tip off of an ice cream cone for the horn.

It’s cute.

And lucky.

And charming.

It’s magically delicious.

Have a sweet summer everyone!

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (
See website for complete article licensing information.