Sweet Shots: 10 Happy Images From CakeSpy
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Cakespy in daily snapshot, daily sweet

Not that you need any MORE sweetness when you come 'round this website, but just to put you on sugar-sweet overload, here are 10 images that made me smile this week, from various places. First, above: cupcakes made by Carmen.

Second: a sweet shot of my zombie-cupcake card holder helping my friend Laurie hold her subway card in Tokyo! Wow, that little cake is well-traveled!

Source: twitpic.com via Cake on Pinterest


Three: a magical unicorn, sent to me by my friend who happens to own Church of Cupcakes.

Source: cakespy.com via Cake on Pinterest


Four: my favorite painting in quite some time.

Source: theendearingdesigner.com via Cake on Pinterest


Five: THIS CAKE, which I found on Pinterest.

Source: cakespy.com via Cake on Pinterest


Six: this cake, which I made! 

This little cupcake rode a pug

Seven: Who WOULDN'T be happy about a cupcake riding a pug?

Source: cakespy.bigcartel.com via Cake on Pinterest


Eight: Two words (or just one that I made up, I guess): UniCow!

Source: cakespy.com via Cake on Pinterest


Nine: I found cupcakes that resembled my character in the Northeast - I decorated them to complete the association, in photoshop!

Source: raspberricupcakes.com via Cake on Pinterest


Ten: since I love it when sweets look like other sweets, I found these macaron ice cream cones freaking adorable!

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (http://cakespy.squarespace.com/).
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