CakeSpy Featured in Taste of Home Magazine!
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Cakespy in breaking cake news, news

Taste of Home

Hey, sweeties. You'd better be buying the June issue of Taste of Home Magazine. Of course, the recipe is full of wonderful recipes and entertaining ideas.

But...even more so because I'm featured in it!

That's right: They asked a bunch of bloggers "Who is the American icon you would most like to invite to dinner and which dish would you serve?"

My response, clearly, they found clever and amusing enough to feature: "Dustan Hoffman, Graduate-era. To feed his cute face, I'd raid Mrs. Robinson's pantry for ingredients to make sultry red velvet cupcakes with (Philly) cream cheese frosting!"

See my response and the other bloggers' responses (including my pal Joy the Baker!) here; for a better view, buy the magazine!

Page from Taste of Home

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (
See website for complete article licensing information.