Sweet Love: CakeSpy Kind of Loves Hippie Cookies
Monday, January 16, 2012
Cakespy in pastry profiles

Before you read this next statement, I just want to assure you that everything is really, truly OK.

That having been said: I am having a love affair with a healthy cookie.

It's true. It's called the NRG Orb, and its Coco Orb counterpart, and both are made by Capers (affiliated with Whole Foods in Canada).

I don't know what it is about these little nuggets, which are made with a fairly virtuous cast of ingredients, including coconut, apples, dates, and maple syrup.

They're free of refined sugar, and they're vegan to boot. I know! I know! You're thinking I am a fallen Cake Gumshoe. You're thinking "did she really write that book with all the butter and sugar laden recipes?".

But the thing is, they're very, very tasty. And I have been enjoying them quite frequently as a post-lunch sweet (you know, when you just need a bite or two of something sweet) or a mid-afternoon pick me up.

Don't despair though, because I assure you that I always either precede or follow them up with something butter and sugar packed.

Find NRG Orbs at Whole Foods markets in the Northwest (from Vancouver to Seattle at least); online at wholefoods.com.

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (http://cakespy.squarespace.com/).
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