Cake Byte: CupcakeCamp Baltimore is this Weekend!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Cakespy in baltimore, breaking cake news, news

Seeking sweetness in Baltimore? Well, look no further. Per a great article on the Baltimore Sun website, "There is still some room left in Baltimore's first cupcake camp on Sept. 24 at Blue Hill Tavern."

As the article puts it,

Cupcake Camp is not about learning how to make cupcakes, it's about eating them. A cupcake camp is, then, an "ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and eat cupcakes in an open environment."

And this one is an event to be excited about, as it's being organized by Rachel of Coconut & Lime! As you recall, I hung out with her at Wilton in the Chicago area. But I digress. As the article goes on, 

Here's what you need to know about cupcake camp. 

It's free. It's an over 21 event (sounding better by the minute). While it's encouraged, you don't actually have to bring any cupcakes. But let's face it, it will be more fun if you bring them. There's more on the event page. And you have to have to have to have a ticket.

And, of course, the part of the article that made me love it most:

Check out the Charm City Cupcake Camp Facebook page. The Charm City Cupcake Camp illustration, by the way, is by Jesse Olsen, CakeSpy author and blogger. Look, look, look at her rainbow cake.

If you're in Baltimore, visit the CupcakeCamp Facebook page!

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (
See website for complete article licensing information.