Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links
Friday, July 8, 2011
Cakespy in links, links

 If your baby isn't wearing one of these, it's not as cute as it could be.Let's get this party started. Sweet links o' the week:

Baby Onesies! Featuring CakeSpy art! OMG!

A gorgeous rainbow of cookies

Small state, big deliciousness: a secret bakery gem in Rhode Island.

Sweet! Cake Gumshoe Sarah (you may remember her from her guest posts, including how to bake in a dorm) has started her own blog! Check it out here.

Holey yum: Lemon Coconut Mini Doughnuts!

Sweet Hearts...literally! How to bake a heart into a cupcake. (thanks, SoapQueen!)

Things you are allowed to buy me: Brownie Pops by Chocolate Swirl. Denver? Taste of Denmark Bakery in Colorado.

Have we talked enough about my cannoli ice cream recipe? No, not enough.

Simply sweet: a simple and delicious chocolate ice cream recipe.

Reader-suggested: Peterson's Tasty Delights Bakery in Hoffman Estates, IL.

Stuff baked in stuff. It's big. 

Don't snicker: could Snickerdoodles be the next big thing in dessert?

The growing trend of shrinking cupcakes: but I like BIG cupcakes!

Internationally delicious: Butter Tart Cupcakes!

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (
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