Sweet Dilemma: CakeSpy Acts as Tie-Breaker in Ice Cream Cupcake Contest
Friday, July 1, 2011
Cakespy in cupcakes, news

Hey, remember how I got to judge (along with the lovely and amazing Nicole of Baking Bites and Naomi of Bakers Royale) an Ice Cream Cupcake Contest? You know, that one curated and put together by Scoopalicious and the Cupcake Project?

Well. We all made our declarations of our three favorites, but there was no clear winner (too many awesome entries!).

However, there were two finalists, per Stef:

As a testament to how incredible our entries were this year (check them all out if you haven't yet), there was no entry that was unanimously selected by all three judges.  However, you'll notice that the S’mores Cupcake Ice Cream Sandwiches by Stephanie of 52 Kitchen Adventures as well as the Honey Hazelnut Cupcake with Gianduja Gelato by Vivian of Vivian Macaron each received votes from Nicole (Baking Bites) and Naomi (Bakers Royale) - making them the strongest contenders.  Since Jessie (Cakespy) didn't choose either of them, we decided that she should have the tie-breaking vote to determine the contest winner. 

Now, it was a tough decision, but ultimately I had to go with the Honey Hazelnut Cupcakes with Gianduja Gelato. But I really want you to know that this was like Sophie's Choice (OK, that is excessive, but I just want you to know it was really hard). 

Congratulations to both of the finalists for bringing extreme deliciousness to all of our lives!

For the full roster of entries click here.

Article originally appeared on Seeking Sweetness in Everyday Life (http://cakespy.squarespace.com/).
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